- 1). Establish how many people are fishing. From there you can form teams, or keep everyone in single competition. Pro fishers can even compete in a handicap match where two fishermen go up against one.
- 2). Create the fishing point list. Usual lists give rare or large fish the most points and common fish the least amount of points. For example, a carp will be worth 15 points while a White Perch is only worth 2 points because they are more common to catch.
- 3). Consider giving certain fish a zero or negative point score. Fish like Dace or Pumpkin Seed are common and unwanted fish that you may not want to factor into the competition.
- 4). Add in gimmick points like no pumpkin seed caught, hooked a carp or the largest fish. These are bonus points that can make the game more exciting.
- 5). Keep track of the points as you fish. Bring a pen and notepad if necessary.
- 6). Count the fish only if it is in control and properly reeled in. This judgment is determined by majority rules.
- 7). Set a time limit for when to end the competition. This way there are no disputes as to who the true winner is.
- 8). Add the scores and declare a winner. The prize can be pride or an actual award like fishing supplies, trophies or other items.