Travel & Places Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing 101 - Reading The Water

In fly fishing 101, reading the water I am going to cover a trouts' needs and where they will be meet, so you will have a better chance of catching fish next time you are on the water, because you will know where to look for them.

When I was a little boy growing up and my father was teaching me to trout fish, he told me "Son, if you are not losing any hooks, you ain't fishing where the fish are", and in truth that is where the biggest are. That is as true today as it was back then, however I plan on giving you a little more information to go on than dear old dad.

Trout have three basic needs. They are food, shelter, and a combination of oxygen level and water temp that from this point on I will call the comfort zone. Trout will seek out places that provide all three, and these prime spots are usually inhabited by larger trout as they will drive smaller trout out of these prime spots. The better the location the better the fish, it is like all real estate location, location, location. When the prime spots are occupied the fish that are left fight over the next tier of locations. Locations that provide comfort and shelter or, comfort and food, and will seek shelter when they are done feeding.

Examples of prime spots are undercut banks because it has shelter and current (which undercut the bank in the first place) to bring food to the trout, so as long as the water is in the comfort zone undercut banks are one of the best locations for big trout. Logjams in the current are also excellent locations for the same reasons. Weed edges are very good as well because they provide cover and food because insects and small fish congregate there. Trees where the current has exposed their roots are very good.

Other locations where fish feed and find protection from the current that constitute second tier locations are, in front of and behind large rocks and boulders, on current seams between fast and slow currents is also another very good place to find fish. If your stream has wing damns these were built to provide shelter and increase current speed and seams use them.

Deep runs, holes, and pools where trout have about three feet of water will make them feel safe and sheltered but they will not rise that distance to take a dry fly unless there is a heavy hatch on, these will be good places to try streamer and nymph fishing along the bottom.
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