- 1). Clamp the bend of the hook in the vise. Make sure the barb is underneath and the shank is horizontal.
- 2). Wrap a base layer of nylon thread on the shank closest to the bend.
- 3). Lay a small amount of pink flash material on the base layer so most of it extends well beyond the bend. Wrap it with thread.
- 4). Match up the saddle hackle feathers and lay one on each side of the shaft at the base layer so they extend well beyond the bend. Wrap them with thread.
- 5). Cut white deer hair about the diameter of a straw and clear away the underfur with a fine-toothed comb. Snip off the tips with a scissors to make them even.
- 6). Lay the hair on top of the shank and wrap twice in the middle of the hair. Increase the tension on the thread, allowing the hair to spin and flare out. Push the flared hair back along the shank with a hair packer until it reaches the base layer. Tie a half-hitch knot.
- 7). Repeat steps 5 and 6, compressing the hair tightly each time with the hair packer, until the white hair covers two-thirds of the shank. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 with the red deer hair, covering the shank from the white hair to the eye. Tie a whip-finish knot at the eye and trim the thread.
- 8). Trim the deer hair with a scissors as close to the underside of the shank as possible without cutting the thread. Shape the remaining deer hair with a scissors to your liking.