- 1). Cut five holes in the lid of a plastic container. The holes must be large enough for a fly to fit through.
- 2). Cut apples in half and put them in the container. Use just enough apples to fill the container, but leave one corner empty.
- 3). Wad up paper and put it in the empty corner of the container. Maggots can drown if they do not have a dry spot to sit on.
- 4). Put the lid on the container and sit it outside in a shaded area.
- 5). Check the contents of the container regularly. There should be small white maggots visible on the fruit within a few days.
- 6). Bring the container inside when you see maggots growing. Keep the container in a warm, dark area.
- 7). Remove the maggots and use them as bait once they reach 1/4-inch long. They usually reach adulthood 10 days after hatching.
- 8). Keep the maggots in a refrigerator if you plan on saving them for longer than a week. It is best to use them within two weeks.