- 1). Research the best location to hunt coyotes by talking to local guides and hunters. Coyotes can be found in most environments and are known to travel in packs, while hunting in pairs.
- 2). Prepare your equipment. Dress for the outdoors; boots, hunting jackets and extra clothing are good to have. Bring enough food and water for the duration of your hunt. Bring a GPS and tell others where you will be hunting.
- 3). Scout out a location where coyotes are known to be.
- 4). Set up a blind that overlooks an area known to have coyotes. Placing the blind in a location with a higher elevation can give you a good vantage point.
- 5). Spray coyote scent around the blind to mask the odor of humans. Coyotes have a keen sense of smell.
- 6). Place bait (raw meat) in a clearing that can easily be seen from the blind. Spray coyote scent in the area surrounding the bait.
- 7). Activate the electronic coyote call. Play the call every five minutes. Coyotes should appear within an hour. If your call has the option for different types of calls, try varying the call.