- 1). Set the heat on a burner to medium. Place a melting pot on the burner and add lead to the pot.
- 2). Close the two halves of a downrigger cannonball weight mold. Place the mold in the jaws of a vise. Use the vise to help secure and support the mold. Cannonball weights are 1 pound or higher, depending on intended use.
- 3). Put on safety glasses, leather gloves and a face mask for protection.
- 4). Remove the melting pot from the stove when the lead has completely melted.
- 5). Move the melting pot carefully to the cannonball mold. Pour the lead into the hole in the top of the mold. Fill the cannonball weight cavity with the molten lead. Allow the downrigger cannonball lead weight to cool before attempting to handle the mold.