Basic fishing gear for beginners need not cost the earth or be terribly hard to find. Now that we are in the information age, it is easier than ever for potential fishermen to do a bit of research and avoid making a bad purchase. It is also easier to find equipment which will give the fisherman a satisfying experience, as technology has developed to solve many of the problems inherent in early equipment. Much of the fishing gear which is suitable for skilled, experienced fishermen can be glanced at and then forgotten, because there has been plenty of fishing gear manufactured with the beginner in mind.
The largest expense, and the most difficult choice, will be in selecting the fishing rod. Fishing rods vary considerably, and it's important to buy one that is a good match for the type of fishing that is planning.
It is also important to consider the practical element of transportation, because many fishing rods are now available in two parts. Although some degree of sensitivity and control is sacrificed, it is minimal, and will certainly not be noticed by a beginner.
A beginner should start with a graphite fishing rod. Graphite combines lightness with an inherent strength, making the rod much easier for a beginner to handle, yet offering a degree of insurance against breakage. The main variables of a fishing rod are weight, size and the way the rod casts the line. Starting with a medium weight rod is a good idea, because it gives you the opportunity of experimenting. You can always add a second rod later if you choose to specialize in an area which is better suited by a heavy of light rod. Any angler can break a rod at some point in their life, so do consider carefully rods which come with a lifetime warranty.
The fishing reel and fishing line are the other essential basic fishing gear for beginners which need consideration. The first vital point with a reel is to consider whether you are going to be fishing in salt water. If you are, please make sure that the reel is protected from salt water. There will be an extra expense for this, but this will be far less than having to replace the reel because the salt water has damaged it. It is also important for a beginner to choose a rod which has a synthetic or cork drag system. Keeping pressure on the fish with hand only should be left until you have more experience.
The fishing line is considered by many to be the most important part of the purchase, even more so than the rod or reel. A decent quality line can still work well even on a cheaper road and reel set up. If you are on a budget, it is recommended that you spend whatever money you have ensuring you have a quality line, even if it means having to manage with a cheaper rod or reel. A good quality line will make your fishing experience far more likely to be pleasurable, and should be the top priority when choosing basic fishing gear for beginners.
The largest expense, and the most difficult choice, will be in selecting the fishing rod. Fishing rods vary considerably, and it's important to buy one that is a good match for the type of fishing that is planning.
It is also important to consider the practical element of transportation, because many fishing rods are now available in two parts. Although some degree of sensitivity and control is sacrificed, it is minimal, and will certainly not be noticed by a beginner.
A beginner should start with a graphite fishing rod. Graphite combines lightness with an inherent strength, making the rod much easier for a beginner to handle, yet offering a degree of insurance against breakage. The main variables of a fishing rod are weight, size and the way the rod casts the line. Starting with a medium weight rod is a good idea, because it gives you the opportunity of experimenting. You can always add a second rod later if you choose to specialize in an area which is better suited by a heavy of light rod. Any angler can break a rod at some point in their life, so do consider carefully rods which come with a lifetime warranty.
The fishing reel and fishing line are the other essential basic fishing gear for beginners which need consideration. The first vital point with a reel is to consider whether you are going to be fishing in salt water. If you are, please make sure that the reel is protected from salt water. There will be an extra expense for this, but this will be far less than having to replace the reel because the salt water has damaged it. It is also important for a beginner to choose a rod which has a synthetic or cork drag system. Keeping pressure on the fish with hand only should be left until you have more experience.
The fishing line is considered by many to be the most important part of the purchase, even more so than the rod or reel. A decent quality line can still work well even on a cheaper road and reel set up. If you are on a budget, it is recommended that you spend whatever money you have ensuring you have a quality line, even if it means having to manage with a cheaper rod or reel. A good quality line will make your fishing experience far more likely to be pleasurable, and should be the top priority when choosing basic fishing gear for beginners.