- 1). Put the rubber gloves on, and then wipe up the urine puddle using disposable paper towels. Place the soiled paper towels in the garbage bag immediately, and seal or tie the bag closed.
- 2). Soak the dishrag with warm water, and squeeze a small amount of dish soap into the rag. Rub the rag together to create a lather.
- 3). Clean the entire affected area by rubbing the soapy dishrag over the areas the urine touched.
- 4). Rinse the dishrag and wring it out until there are no more soap suds. Use another dishrag if desired. Soak the dishrag with water.
- 5). Wipe the dishrag over the newly washed area to rinse off any excess soap.
- 6). Dry the area with the dry towel.
- 1). Mix about ¼ cup of chlorine bleach with 1 gallon of water in a large bucket or a sink basin.
- 2). Soak the mop, rag or sponge with the bleach sanitizing solution, and wring out slightly so the solution does not drip. Keep in mind that bleach will permanently stain any type of fabric.
- 3). Sweep the mop, rag or sponge over the affected area, and let it air dry.
- 1). Rinse the rubber gloves, and apply dish soap to them while you are still wearing them. Rub your hands together as you normally would to wash your hands. Rinse the soap off the gloves.
- 2). Remove the gloves, and dip them in the leftover bleach solution to sanitize. Place the gloves in an area where they can safely air dry without staining fabrics, carpets or flooring.
- 3). Clean the mop or rag with dish soap, then rinse with water. Dispose of sponges.
- 4). Dip the mop or rag into the bleach solution, then wring it as dry as possible. Let it air dry. When storing these items, keep them away from food, dishes or areas easily accessible to children.
- 5). Wash your hands or any other skin exposed to the urine using an antibacterial soap. Immediately wash all towels, rags and soiled clothing.