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The hotter the water, the more effective this process will be.Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Fill your bowl or bucket with water as hot as you can stand to touch. - 2). Squirt a small amount of dishwashing soap into the bowl or bucket.
- 3). Dip the dreads in the soapy water. Let them soak up the water for a couple minutes or as long as you can tolerate the waiting process.
- 4). Squeeze water from the dreads. Twist them to remove even more water.
- 5). Apply enough apple cider vinegar to the root of the waxy dreads to saturate them. Let stand for 15 minutes.
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Clean dreadlocks for maximum wax removal.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Rinse the apple cider vinegar from your dreads in the shower or under a tap. - 2). Wash your hair in clarifying shampoo or a shampoo designed for dreadlocks.
- 3). Repeat the above steps as many times as necessary. Doing the process one time is not usually enough to get rid of the beeswax.
Removing Beeswax from Dreadlocks
Cleaning Dreads After Wax Removal