- 1). Mince three garlic cloves with a sharp knife. Place the minced garlic in a bowl.
- 2). Add 2 tsp. of mineral oil. Allow the solution to sit for 24 hours.
- 3). Strain the garlic through cheesecloth. Reserve the strained mineral oil in a bowl. Discard the minced garlic.
- 4). Combine the mineral oil with 1 pt. water. Add 1 tsp. liquid dish soap to the mixture.
- 5). Add 2 tbsp. of the solution to a spray bottle. Add 1 pint water to the solution. Store any leftover solution in an airtight container.
- 6). Test the garlic spray in an inconspicuous area on the plant to ensure that it will not harm it. If the plant does not yellow or the foliage does not appear damaged, it can be used safely. Dilute the mixture with more water if it bothers the plant. Test another area before proceeding.
- 7). Treat the entire plant with the garlic spray. Focus on spraying the undersides of the leaves, where the insects often hide.