- Although many people find the scent of fresh citrus refreshing and soothing, dogs find the smell repulsive and tend to avoid areas containing that scent. This is probably the gentlest homemade repellent on both the dog and your senses. For outdoor use, cut up lemon or orange slices and scatter them throughout your garden to keep dogs away. An upside of using lemon or orange slices in the garden is that they will decompose over time and help fertilize the soil. Mix citrus juice with water for indoor use and mist it on the areas you want to keep your dog away from.
- If a stronger repellent is needed, try using cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is widely used as an ingredient in many commercial dog repellents. The capsicum in the pepper is especially irritating to dogs' skin, eyes, throat and nose. Cayenne pepper is readily available in the spice section of any supermarket.
For outdoor use, sprinkle the pepper among the plants to deter your dog from bothering them. The pepper won't harm your plants, but it will stop your dog from harming them. Instead of sprinkling pepper indoors where it may stain furnishings or floors, place a few dried chilis around the areas you want to keep your dog out of. Only a small amount of pepper or chili is needed to create an effective deterrent as your dog's acute sense of smell will pick up even a minute quantity of capsicum. - If nothing else seems to work and you need something heavy-duty, you may have to resort to vinegar. Vinegar is another cheap and common household item that will be effective as a dog repellent. The downside is that although its potent smell will deter your dog from certain areas, it will probably deter you as well. It also cannot be poured directly onto your garden because it will kill your plants. On the positive side, it doubles as a pet odor remover.
Citrus Dog Repellent
Cayenne Dog Repellent
Vinegar Dog Repellent