- Dish detergent is a useful tool for cleaning dirt and grease off of concrete floors because it is designed to be a degreaser and it will help remove grease off of the floor just like it does off of dishes in a sink or a dishwasher. Add a few drops into a bucket of hot water and use a mop to soak the floor with the soapy solution to break up basic dirt and grease, then rinse the floor with regular water to prevent soapy residue from building up. Stay off the floor until it completely dries.
- Oxygen bleach differs from chlorine bleach in that it comes in a powdered form and is much more environmentally friendly than chlorine bleach. Still, wear rubber gloves as a precaution when using oxygen bleach to prevent skin exposure. Mix the bleach powder with water in accordance with the package instructions and then apply the bleach to the floor with a mop or sponge. Allow the solution to sit for at least 15 minutes for best results and then rinse it away with a garden hose. The bleach will help remove dirt while also pulling up hard-to-remove stains such as mold and oil.
- White vinegar is a natural disinfectant and deodorizer that is also effective at removing stains. Vinegar is especially useful for mold and you can spot-clean mold and other stains on the garage floor using white vinegar in a spray bottle. Mix together the vinegar and warm water in a half-and-half solution, spray it on the stains and then scrub at them with a scrub brush for best results. Rinse the vinegar away with regular water once stains are removed.
- Trisodium phosphate is an effective and corrosive cleaner that should only be used once other cleaning solutions have failed. Keep the garage well-ventilated when using it and wear protective gloves and clothing. Wet the concrete down and then sprinkle the TSP over the stains in question, allowing it to settle into the concrete for about 30 minutes. Scrub at the stains with a scrub brush at that point before rinsing the floor thoroughly to ensure none of the TSP remains. TSP is especially useful for deep oil and grease stains. When rinsing, prevent the runoff from flowing into nearby soil to avoid environmental contamination.
Dish Detergent
Oxygen Bleach
White Vinegar
Trisodium Phosphate