Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Leadership Coaching Matters - A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

Why Leadership Coaching Matters - A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

During the 1990's the professional political consultant emerged as a definitive player in American politics. As a young woman in this burgeoning field this was the time I first encountered the men who are now the top advisers to our nation's leaders. We sat around tables in shabby campaign

Law & Legal & Attorney: ZP's Women

ZP's Women

Zapatero, the Prime Minister (and "ZP" in Spain) is the ultimate responsible for this new cabinet. His choice is quite unique but therefore not without risks.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Are Obama Supporters Blind With Faith and Mesmerized by His Speeches?

Are Obama Supporters Blind With Faith and Mesmerized by His Speeches?

Many of President Obama supporters, including the president himself seem to have a problem with voters they cling to their guns and their Bibles. However, I would submit to you, that Obama supporters are following him as if he is a savior with blind faith, and that they are mesmerized by his speeche

Law & Legal & Attorney: Inequality Debate Is Laughable - Here Is Why

Inequality Debate Is Laughable - Here Is Why

We sure hear a lot of hype about "inequality" and many people are buying into it and wanting to play victim, but beware of that because once you start you might not be able to get out of that loop. Such is the plight of the poor. But what is inequality really? That's hard to say becau

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are Political Forums?

What Are Political Forums?

It is usually a membership site set up to discuss different events, differing opinions and breaking news in the field of politics. The better forums are those that have no political bias i.e. they are not pro Democrat or Republican but have been set up with the intention of encouraging open and hone

Law & Legal & Attorney: Women's Rights Movement of 1960 to 1970

Women's Rights Movement of 1960 to 1970

The 1960s to 1970s were times of great social change in the United States. Women began to find their voice and demand equality in the workplace, at home, at university and in marriage.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Kansas Caucus Rules

Kansas Caucus Rules

Kansas caucus process explained.directional vote sign image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comA caucus is a statewide election process in which voters select a presidential candidate to represent their political party. The results decide Kansas' allocation of delegate support for candidates...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Green Party: For Individuals Who Protect The Natural Environment

The Green Party: For Individuals Who Protect The Natural Environment

There has actually been a two-party system of national politics in the United States for a long time. But there are in fact several others that do not get much attention, including the Green Party. With the emergence of green living, the Green Party is growing to be more well known.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Playing With Job and Economic Numbers Prior to Elections Pondered

Playing With Job and Economic Numbers Prior to Elections Pondered

Some find it absolutely convenient that the unemployment stats from the Federal BLS came out at 7.8% which would be a 3% drop from the previous quarter. That is highly unlikely and almost inconceivable, or as one former CEO put it; implausible. Indeed, I tend to agree those numbers do not even make

Law & Legal & Attorney: Remaking the Republican Image

Remaking the Republican Image

A group of influential Republicans called the National Council for a New America began a reconstruct-the-party tour at a pizza shop in northern Virginia.The message was, a la Frasier Crane, "I'm listening."The cynic in me must observe at this point with all the tea parties and groups

Law & Legal & Attorney: New Haitian Day Flag Design Explained

New Haitian Day Flag Design Explained

January 1st 1804 was truly the beginning of a new era in Haiti and for all freedom loving peoples around the world, for the new nation declared themselves independent from France. The first black republic, they had defeated Napoleon's forces earlier at the famous "Bataille de Vertieres&quo

Law & Legal & Attorney: Should We Have A Military Draft?

Should We Have A Military Draft?

There are advantages and disadvantages to having a military draft. I for one believe that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Bilderbergs


The OSS had a reason to support the Royal family member who was the head of the Bilderbergs and had been a Thulean Gestapo member. This only starts the exploration that takes three books to complete.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How do I Cancel Meetings According to Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedures?

How do I Cancel Meetings According to Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedures?

Many committees and organizations use Roberts Rules of Order to help them conduct their business in an orderly and efficient way. The rules cover actions such as proposing motions and seconding them, and tabling proposals. There are also rules for whether meetings can be held, taking into considerat

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Duties of a Confirmation Sponsor?

What Are the Duties of a Confirmation Sponsor?

In many Christian denominations, the sacrament of Confirmation is a tool to help the faithful in their attempts at holiness. Although some denominations prefer to offer confirmation to young children, others demand that the recipient is mature and educated enough to be aware of the implications of r

Law & Legal & Attorney: Congress Staff Duties

Congress Staff Duties

The heavy workload of Congress members, combined with the diversity of the issues every committee comes across, have rendered congressional staff an essential part of the U.S. government's legislative branch. Excluding the Capitol Police, janitorial and building staff, as well as nonpartisan members

Law & Legal & Attorney: Everyone Associated with Elliot Spitzer's Office Must Go

Everyone Associated with Elliot Spitzer's Office Must Go

It's unfortunate for those associated with Elliot Spitzer, as they will take a political hit as well, sometimes that is not fair. But, I submit to you that it must be done. So then, EVERYONE, who worked in the New York Attorney General's Office during his term there, must be terminated and

Law & Legal & Attorney: Using Radio Successfully in Political Elections

Using Radio Successfully in Political Elections

Would you purchase yard signs and place them in the back yards of your supporters?I often wonder why candidates would purchase ten commercials the day before Election Day and allow them to air in such a manner, that few hear the message. Having spent over twenty years in the radio and political indu