Law & Legal & Attorney: Charity Begins At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Charity Begins At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Late last night I received an email from my friend Pete the Printer, who resides in Ohio, where they have a bit of an unemployment problem. Now Pete has a job, he’s been running one business or another for decades, and if you took everything away from him today, he’d be back in business

Law & Legal & Attorney: Solidarity With the First Black Republic of the World

Solidarity With the First Black Republic of the World

The international organizations estimated that there are at least three million homeless and between 50, 000 and 100,000 persons dead. Over 10,000 buildings have been destroyed, including hospitals, schools, and hotels. In the last days, Haiti has moved from being one of the 25 poorest nations on Ea

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Inflate a Bosu

How to Inflate a Bosu

An acronym for "both sides up," the BOSU Balance Trainer is more commonly known as the "platform ball" in the exercise world. The BOSU Balance Trainer comes in three sizes; 65, 55 and 45 centimeters. BOSU also offers a stability ball called Ballast Ball Pro. All products come with an inflation pump,

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Design an Op-Amp Regulator

How to Design an Op-Amp Regulator

If you don't have a voltage regulator in your electronic tool box, the next best thing to use is an op amp. With just an everyday op amp, a zener diode and a few resistors you can create a voltage regulator that provides a stable voltage source over a wide range of current loads. The design process

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Sarah Palin Gaffe Gap

The Sarah Palin Gaffe Gap

Since Sarah Palin has been on the national scene, there has been an increase in the amount of attention paid to gaffes committed by politicians. Much sport was had with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's botched account on just how safe the American people are from terrorist attacks

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Best Ways to File a Complaint

The Best Ways to File a Complaint

A lot of effort goes into large retail purchases. At times, purchases come from the store damaged or not working properly. Filing a complaint can be a nerve-racking ordeal if you are not prepared with the correct information. Knowing the proper approach when filing a complaint can streamline the pro

Law & Legal & Attorney: Remembering Our Fallen Heroes

Remembering Our Fallen Heroes

The last Monday in May is a time to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation.Learn more about this history of this holiday.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why the New Judge Matters

Why the New Judge Matters

I remember when the "Supremes" were three young girls from Detroit pumping out hit singles for Motown Records. Well, like the song says, "Time, time, give it time no matter how long it takes." In fact, it has taken 220 years (the US Supreme Court was established in 1790) for the

Law & Legal & Attorney: Three Types of Government in the English Colonies

Three Types of Government in the English Colonies

From the founding of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 until the beginning of the American Revolution in 1776, the thirteen British colonies in North America were traditionally seen to have had three forms of government: charter, proprietary and royal. Later historians revised these to just 2, corporate a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Types of Storks

Types of Storks

There are 21 species of storks spread over all the continents except Antarctica. These large birds are considered a symbol of hope, life and prosperity in many cultures.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Will the Real Politician Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Politician Please Stand Up?

Republicans are basking in the victory of Scott Brown in a heavily Democratic state. The red dogs are barking loudly at the blue dogs. Democrats on the Hill are already recanting on some of the policies they just last week backed fervently.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Fred Fracas

The Fred Fracas

Just a week into Law & Order:White House Edition, Thompson appears to be locked in a head-to-head struggle with Republican front-runner Rudy Giuliani. A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll shows Thompson running at 27 percent among registered Republicans - just under Giuliani's 28 percent.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Use Motivational Theories

How to Use Motivational Theories

Motivational theories are psychological ways of understanding what inspires human beings to extend their abilities and perform according to expectations. Primary motivational theories include Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Hertszberg's Motivation and Hygiene Theory, and Expectancy and Contingency theo

Law & Legal & Attorney: NAFTA & Currency Conversion

NAFTA & Currency Conversion

The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, was designed to support free trade among Canada, the United States and Mexico. The debate goes on about how it has affected the North American economy, including the currency values of the three member nations.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Migrant Farm Workers in the 1930s

The History of Migrant Farm Workers in the 1930s

America was a land of millions of small farmers working on their own land for much of its early history. But in the early 20th century, as new machinery was invented and new mass-production farming methods were introduced, many smaller farms were absorbed into large commercial enterprises. Many of t

Law & Legal & Attorney: Democracy Gets a Win

Democracy Gets a Win

Something important happened on November 29, 2009 in the country of Honduras. You will not see much about it on the news in the U.S.

Law & Legal & Attorney: California Party Conservatives Not Ready for Moderate GOP

California Party Conservatives Not Ready for Moderate GOP

With elections round the corner in the State of California, it is no surprise that the Republican Party is doing its best to appeal to the voters. The conservative stand of the party on various issues, including those like gun rights, abortion rights and same sex marriage etc could affect the result

Law & Legal & Attorney: Of Change and Hope

Of Change and Hope

What a day! Regardless of your political point of view, the peaceful transfer of power that is the cornerstone of the American political system is something to celebrate and watch with awe. In few other countries, and certainly none with the power of the United States, does the government pass from