Law & Legal & Attorney: Sarah Palin Could Be Right

Sarah Palin Could Be Right

For many commentators Sarah Palin has put an end to her political career by resigning as governor of Alaska. But with the governmental establishment heading for a major wreck her decision to jump ship, whatever the motive, could be the correct one.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Energy Policy Will Change Under Gop House

Energy Policy Will Change Under Gop House

With the Republican Party's newly won control of the House of Representatives, national energy policy could be rolled back to 2005, with all legislative advances under a Democratic Party majority at risk. Republicans could adopt a dual-track strategy that attacks energy regulation through budge

Law & Legal & Attorney: Spanish King To Be Last In Line?

Spanish King To Be Last In Line?

Europe's King Juan Carlos of Spain was hailed as saviour of the country's young democracy when he ordered the army back to barracks during a coup attempt.But now there are some calls among the Spanish people that he should be the last King of Spain - but will he be?

Law & Legal & Attorney: Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation - Biography Of Jamnalal Bajaj

Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation - Biography Of Jamnalal Bajaj

Established in 1977, in the memory of Jamnalal Bajaj, a humanitarian, freedom fighter, philanthropist and a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, the Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation strives to serve the ideals to which Jamnalal Bajaj had dedicated his life.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Iran is Escalating the Conflict

Iran is Escalating the Conflict

Iran has threatened to raise Americas fuel prices again. They have said they will most likely comply with the nuclear weapons productions, but are quite spiteful with regards to a different attack on American Soil. They are using what they believe to be levers available to them in OPEC.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Can the 2008 Election Be Won By a Slogan?

Can the 2008 Election Be Won By a Slogan?

Can a simple slogan sweep a candidate to victory in a presidential race? The shortest and most honest answer to that is simply; yes! It wouldn't be the first time.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Did Ukrainian Troops Shoot Down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 To Foment A War?

Did Ukrainian Troops Shoot Down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 To Foment A War?

The hidden powers that be with their globalist agenda associates want us to believe it was Russia who shot down the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 with the tragic loss of nearly 300 lives using ground missiles, but is there something going on here we are not being told about? Without any real invest

Law & Legal & Attorney: Homosexual Asks Christian Candidate - Do You Support Gay Rights?

Homosexual Asks Christian Candidate - Do You Support Gay Rights?

One interesting thing about watch the Presidential Debates is that special interest groups do not waste any time in getting to the meat of the debate. Recently a Christian Candidate was asked point blank, Do You Support Gay Rights? The gentleman asking the question was a homosexual and stated that r

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Dangers of Using Fiction in Historical Documents?

What Are the Dangers of Using Fiction in Historical Documents?

Fiction and history tend to go hand in hand, if nothing else by simple dint of the fact that many authors have a bias, whether they see it or not. The end result is that the historian is expected to be able to discern the difference between fiction and fact, and, while historical fiction can tell us

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Duties of a Congressman?

What Are the Duties of a Congressman?

Congressmen make the nation's lawscapitol image by Andrew Breeden from Fotolia.comThe U.S. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government primarily responsible for making the laws of the nation. Congress is divided into the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Duties of the Governor of Texas

The Duties of the Governor of Texas

Similar to the president of the United States in function, the governor of Texas has a long list of duties and responsibilities to his constituents. To be eligible to hold the office, an individual must have been a resident of the state of Texas for at least five years prior to running...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Mark Cella Fdrs' Pearl Harbor

Mark Cella Fdrs' Pearl Harbor

FDRS' Mark Cella Pearl Harbor Truth. A Couple Pearl Harbor Videos. Discover How Roosevelt Was a Traitor Who Set Up 2400 People to Die in Order to Save Communism and Make His Banking Puppeteers Huge Profits.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Update a Mailing Address & Phone Number

How to Update a Mailing Address & Phone Number

Though phone number changes are less common nowadays due to frequent use of cell phones, many people change their phone number or address whenever they move. If you wish to inform your friends and co-workers of your new address, you can contact them personally or send out a mass email. If you wish t

Law & Legal & Attorney: Did He Really Say "Ain't"?

Did He Really Say "Ain't"?

It is tough enough in today's economy to try to get by. Using incorrect language will only make it harder.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Syrian Crisis

Syrian Crisis

With the crisis in Syria, looking as if it would be coming to a close soon, it has been reported that CIA- funded weapons have begun to fall into the hands of the Syrian rebel forces, in an attempt by the American agency to overthrow the head of the Syrian government, President Bashar al-Assad. A U.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is Really Going On With Iran?

What Is Really Going On With Iran?

The possibility of the newest economic sanctions on Iran to cause them to discontinue the development of nuclear weapons is close to zero.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Mitt Romney As Vice President?

Mitt Romney As Vice President?

Do we still remember Mitt Romney? Soon after Romney lost the presidential race, people stopped talking about his capabilities forgetting that he was second in the presidential race not the last one. Many people believe that Romney is much more capable that McCain in certain domains, and thus should

Law & Legal & Attorney: Cindy Sheehan Now Telling Australian Government How to Fight War on Terror

Cindy Sheehan Now Telling Australian Government How to Fight War on Terror

Well it appears Cindy Sheehan has lost favor with the American Public, so she is going around the world telling everyone else what to do. Now she has sent a strong message against the war in Iraq and the War on Terror to the Australian Government. Interesting, as who in the World Appointed her as wo

Law & Legal & Attorney: Parliamentary Self-Government

Parliamentary Self-Government

There is no denying the fact that Parliament is positioned in the supremacy of any government and very ethically, it is the strongest parliamentary feeling in the political organization and as such the political scientists have made their energetic efforts to find out their sources of political powe

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