Law & Legal & Attorney: What Happens If the President Dies in Office?

What Happens If the President Dies in Office?

Death of a LeaderWhen a president dies in office, it is a sad and trying time for the country and the world. A new leader must take up the reins. According to the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, when the president dies either by assassination, accident or natural causes, the vice...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Lito Atienza - Best Candidate For Mayor Of Manila

Lito Atienza - Best Candidate For Mayor Of Manila

When Lito Atienza announced that he would quit the Cabinet in order to run for Manila Mayor in the upcoming elections, voters were certainly gifted with a great choice for the leader of the city. Lito Atienza is for sure a force in Philippine politics and is gifted with a formidable family backgroun

Law & Legal & Attorney: Who Are Our Nation' s Homeless?

Who Are Our Nation' s Homeless?

Who are today's homeless? If you read this article your eyes will probably open to some pretty sad and sobering facts concerning homelessness in the United States.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How New Yorkers can stop the NeoCons

How New Yorkers can stop the NeoCons

New Yorkers can lead the way to saving America by making it possible for an impeachment to take place.It can happen if they do the right thing.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Examples of Civic Duties

Examples of Civic Duties

Voting is a basic civic duty and privilege.directional vote sign image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comServing our government seems a mostly forgotten duty for many U.S. citizens. With our busy lifestyles afforded by our fundamental freedoms, we too often see civic duties as burdens meant...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Will There Ever Be a Black President of the US?

Will There Ever Be a Black President of the US?

If you're ready to stop settling for what the cynics tell you, you must accept, and finally reach for what you know is possible, then we will win these primaries, we will win this election, we will change the course of history.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Effects of the Constitution's 20th Amendment

The Effects of the Constitution's 20th Amendment

If someone asked you to name an important amendment to the U.S. Constitution, your response might include the First Amendment because it grants freedom of speech or the 19th Amendment because it gave women the right to vote. The 20th Amendment, nicknamed "The Lame Duck Amendment," may not immediatel

Law & Legal & Attorney: International Mail Rules

International Mail Rules

Address letters to international destinations correctly.air mail image by charles taylor from Fotolia.comSending mail outside the United States is rarely as easy as placing a stamp on an envelope and placing it in the mailbox. The United Statres Postal Service (USPS) has specific for...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Sports and Politics Should Not Be Mixed

Sports and Politics Should Not Be Mixed

Apparently Arizona's legislature didn't learn their lesson. For those that don't recall, Super Bowl XXVII was scheduled to be played in Arizona in 1993 but the game was moved because of Arizona's controversial position on Martin Luther King Junior's birthday. Every state in

Law & Legal & Attorney: Primitives and Greed

Primitives and Greed

The 2013 EU elections in Croatia were analyzed as part of the HRstat project. The HRstat project was initiated by the Science and Society Synergy Institute. It is a non-profit project that came to be due to the increased needs of the Institute towards collecting various data in Croatian municipaliti

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Palin Power Factor

The Palin Power Factor

The Palin Power Factor is two fold - likability and marketability. Sarah Palin came into our lives and has taken likability to new levels. To the homes and hearts of middle class Americans.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Receive What You Want This Holiday Season

How to Receive What You Want This Holiday Season

During the Holidays people are implored to focus on the joys of giving rather than receiving.While I wholeheartedly agree that giving is one of the best ways to share our gifts and experience joy, I often find with my coaching clients that one of the greatest challenges they face is in allowing what

Law & Legal & Attorney: 10 Reasons to Go Green

10 Reasons to Go Green

Reducing destruction of the natural world is one reason to go green.nature image by Dmitriy Aydreev from Fotolia.comThe idea of "going green" is becoming increasingly popular. Everywhere you look, people are replacing leaky windows, insulating their homes, using reusable shopping bags...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Political Campaigning Changed in 1832

How Political Campaigning Changed in 1832

Andrew Jackson entered the presidency after the political campaign of 1828 with little experience; he had been elected in large part because of his military career, rather than his career as a senator. It is important to note that, although he was the first American president raised in humble circum

Law & Legal & Attorney: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Appalling Remarks While Thousands Suffer

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Appalling Remarks While Thousands Suffer

I knew it wouldnt take long to turn the worst disaster in U.S. history into political ambulance chasing. I didnt think it would happen less than 24 hours after the carnage of Hurricane Katrina. It actually seems that Bobby Jr. is giddy about it.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Contact Your Delegate

How to Contact Your Delegate

It can be difficult to keep track of who your political delegates are. There are many different representatives for all of us, on both a state and federal level. Elections seem to be happening all the time and delegates come and go. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to find out who represents

Law & Legal & Attorney: Five Years After 911 and How are We Doing in the War on Terror

Five Years After 911 and How are We Doing in the War on Terror

international terrorists and are we ridding our selves and the world of evil or have we created more? Indeed many liberals want us to lose the war on terror or even make a poor showing so that we move the opposition socialist party into power in the United States of America.