Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

What the Hell Is Net Neutrality?

Net Neutrality: is it a good or a bad thing? First of all, it seems as though there is a lot of confusion on this topic: Net Neutrality.
Let me break it down for you in easy terms.
Don't be swayed by the clever names that the media and politicians use to mess with our heads.
Net Neutrality DOES mean a significant change in the internet as we know it.
Up to this point, the internet has been 100% free of regulation.
That means any one of us can create a website, an online business, a blog, a YouTube channel, an eBay store, an Etsy store, or even a Pinterest board and Facebook page.
Since Net Neutrality has been approved and passed into law, the internet will be treated like a public utility similar to FPL or your water provider etc.
There are two MAJOR problems with this.
a) as we have seen most recently with Obama-Care (also known by the clever name of "the affordable care act") ANYTHING run by the government becomes expensive, inefficient, and wildly unfair.
b) your freedom to do as you please with the World Wide Web will disappear.
Let me explain what that means...
ALL of you have been supportive of my music career and I love you for it.
The reason I had any semblance of a career in the first place is 100% because of the power of the FREE INTERNET (I mean freedom in principle not in price) The internet is a free marketplace allowing me to exercise my rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Writing, recording, and performing my own music, with my own message and POV clearly injected into that medium of expression would be impossible under Net Neutrality.
Some of you know that I maintain several blogs on various topics, some are anonymous, some are not.
under Net Neutrality, the government could "decide" that I am not a legitimate journalist and therefore should not have the ability to blog and can shut me down...
Shut me down?...
maybe we should read that as...
SILENCING THE INDIVIDUAL If you are a student of history (you all should be!!) Whenever a government seeks to silence the individual...
You were given a voice, cherish it and honor the Giver of that voice by using it.
Tell everyone you know to read history, use their voice, and to speak out against Net neutrality.
Be Strong, Be of Good Courage, God Bless America, Long Live the Republic.
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