President Obama claims that small businesses and business owners could not have succeeded without the roads, bridges, infrastructure, and government.
That's BS in my opinion.
I can tell you that "I built my company" no thanks to the government, all they ever did was make my life miserable with incessant paperwork.
I built my company without the help of anyone, or the government.
If I'd grown up in a third world nation without infrastructure, I'd still have built my own company, lots of people do.
How dare anyone tell me I owe my thanks to the government when all they tried to do every step of the way was to make my life hell as I worked 17-hours a day for 27-years with no days off! Indeed, when President Obama said this I was taken aback and I thought to myself; "Obama doesn't get it, I'd like to see him fired," even if we share genes of our common ancestor and predecessors of Dick Chaney's family tree.
In the United States of America we are all equal under the law and it is what we do with our lives and how we live our lives could qualify us for whichever positions we seek whether in a corporation, government, academia, or even working for a nonprofit group.
It's not what you say, it's what you do.
However, when you are the leader of the free world what you say matters, even when you say it because you weren't reading from a Teleprompter that day.
When President Obama stated; "you didn't build that," as he was talking about small business people who believed that they were successful because they were smart, worked hard, and got lucky - he was trying to make a statement that without the government backing up the free-market, or having helped strategically plan the building of this nation, no small business could ever be successful.
That's just not true.
However, I'm not surprised he said it, because he has never run a company himself.
It's not easy building a small business, but then again nothing in life is.
For a politician who's never built a business to stand behind a podium talking to a labor union and other left-leaning socialist voters to say something like that is unconscionable.
Perhaps he didn't feel that his speech would be on TV or that the cable stations would play his quote over and over again.
When the Obama campaign tried to distance itself from those comments, claiming that his comments were taken at of context, they only made things worse, as then the cable stations played the entire paragraph of his speech.
This made it worse because we really got insight into how president Obama thinks.
Quite frankly I do not wish to live in a nation that's run by someone who thinks like that because it goes against American exceptionalism, and the belief that there is opportunity for all.
I still believe there is opportunity in this country, but I also am beginning to believe the biggest obstacle is the government, especially when it comes to small business.
They didn't help build that.
They made it almost impossible to succeed.
Please consider all this and think on it.
That's BS in my opinion.
I can tell you that "I built my company" no thanks to the government, all they ever did was make my life miserable with incessant paperwork.
I built my company without the help of anyone, or the government.
If I'd grown up in a third world nation without infrastructure, I'd still have built my own company, lots of people do.
How dare anyone tell me I owe my thanks to the government when all they tried to do every step of the way was to make my life hell as I worked 17-hours a day for 27-years with no days off! Indeed, when President Obama said this I was taken aback and I thought to myself; "Obama doesn't get it, I'd like to see him fired," even if we share genes of our common ancestor and predecessors of Dick Chaney's family tree.
In the United States of America we are all equal under the law and it is what we do with our lives and how we live our lives could qualify us for whichever positions we seek whether in a corporation, government, academia, or even working for a nonprofit group.
It's not what you say, it's what you do.
However, when you are the leader of the free world what you say matters, even when you say it because you weren't reading from a Teleprompter that day.
When President Obama stated; "you didn't build that," as he was talking about small business people who believed that they were successful because they were smart, worked hard, and got lucky - he was trying to make a statement that without the government backing up the free-market, or having helped strategically plan the building of this nation, no small business could ever be successful.
That's just not true.
However, I'm not surprised he said it, because he has never run a company himself.
It's not easy building a small business, but then again nothing in life is.
For a politician who's never built a business to stand behind a podium talking to a labor union and other left-leaning socialist voters to say something like that is unconscionable.
Perhaps he didn't feel that his speech would be on TV or that the cable stations would play his quote over and over again.
When the Obama campaign tried to distance itself from those comments, claiming that his comments were taken at of context, they only made things worse, as then the cable stations played the entire paragraph of his speech.
This made it worse because we really got insight into how president Obama thinks.
Quite frankly I do not wish to live in a nation that's run by someone who thinks like that because it goes against American exceptionalism, and the belief that there is opportunity for all.
I still believe there is opportunity in this country, but I also am beginning to believe the biggest obstacle is the government, especially when it comes to small business.
They didn't help build that.
They made it almost impossible to succeed.
Please consider all this and think on it.