Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Political Commentary

A dark cloud has completely descended upon our country Australia.
Prime Minister, Tony Abbott and his evil cronies, Joe Hockey [Treasurer], Christopher Pyne [Education Minister], have completely adopted an extremely hard-line stance, by using political and economic blackmail against the people of this lovely country - Universities, doctors, teachers, the disabled, the unemployed, the homeless, by warning that if the Federal Budget does not pass in its complete entirety, University fees will be deregulated, funds for courses will be slashed by 20%, the $7 Medicare co-payment will be completely enforced upon everybody even pensioners as directed by Tony Abbott, who is standing completely firm upon this issue! And that's not all - they are also charging a $5.
00 fee for additional tests, which would amount to a total of $12 - this would go to fund research! However, the Abbott Government will also slash funds for research by quite a lot! This amount of money to be paid will make a big hole in pensioners' incomes - already, they are being labelled by Treasurer Joe Hockey as "leaners", and also the poor who don't drive very far as a lot of them don't own cars anyway! They also sacked the Advocate for the Disabled who spoke up for the Rights of the Disabled - I.
the right to work, the right to a decent wage, etc.
! It strikes me that this Government doesn't want people in trouble to have any assistance whatever! Also - this Government has dehumanised the treatment of the asylum seekers on Manus Island, by putting them in a vessel at sea, without any windows, and forbidding contact with any of their families! And, there have been two deaths on Manus Island - however, Immigration Minister, Scott Morrison, doesn't want to acknowledge these, saying that the victims have brought their deaths upon themselves! They have also planned to make some changes to Family Day Care, obviously with a plan to make drastic cuts there too, which could make things extremely hard for working mothers, meaning they might have to leave work and look after their children themselves at home! To summarise - this country has completely swung to an extremely far-right style of Government, with no social security benefits for the poor or disabled whatsoever! My greatest fear is that Tony Abbott has been using the Middle East crisis as a "smoke screen" to divert people's attention away from what's happening here at home in Australia!
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