The uneducated and borderline poor vote for HDZ The 2013 EU elections in Croatia were analyzed as part of the HRstat project.
The HRstat project was initiated by the Science and Society Synergy Institute.
It is a non-profit project that came to be due to the increased needs of the Institute towards collecting various data in Croatian municipalities and cities, as well as settlements, counties and Zagreb city quarters.
The above is a headline from the Croatian Index news portal.
One doesn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand that this HRstat project is every bit as "non-profit" as its mentors, the governing coalition.
All these so-called institutes, associations and other "independent" polling agencies are appearing out of the blue, which is proof enough that being a "non-profit" institution is very profitable.
Note the contradiction: HRstat was started by the Science and Society Synergy Institute.
What is their connection to synergy if they divide society into the well educated and the less educated? It is interesting to see that "non-profit" associations in Croatia are financed from the annual budget, which proves that they serve those who are currently in power (the "reformed" communist party).
Those "independent" associations got over one billion dollars during last year.
While the government of the Republic of Croatia is providing a million dollar to these associations they like so much, the education and science minister keeps decreasing the already low wages of the professors and teachers.
The health minister has lowered the budget, thus decreasing the low wages of the physicians for another 10%.
Thus, they are not investing in science, education and health, but into associations that serve as their PR agencies.
Who's the primitive in this story? In the U.
, there are thousands of "non-profit" associations, but they are not financed from the country's annual budget, but from donations made by citizens and businesses, which makes them genuinely independent, serving their own noble causes.
To my conscience, the HDZ and SDP political parties are but identical twins that serve their own interests instead of serving the people, but I am not, and I do not wish to be, the one who would reach a judgment regarding HDZ voters being primitives.
Why? Because the freedom of every person is to vote according to their conscience and feelings, and those who hurts their feelings is the biggest of primitives.
The purport of freedom is to honor the people's will, isn't it? Or are some "highly educated" salon snobs supposed to have a generic advantage over those who labor? Doesn't that reek of communist dictatorship? Above the people, like the sharp blade of a guillotine, a single "highly educated" party is shining, with the "revolutionary" Robespierrian duty to cut off the heads of all those who dare to differ.
Is that the message of the "highly educated" salon institutes? When all is said and done, who is doing more for the Croatian society, the lowbrow farmer who is impregnating the soil with his sweat, or the laborer who is building highways, towers and factories with his bare hands, or the "highly educated" well-dressed "reformed" salon communist who somehow manages to destroy whatever the previous two created? Isn't it true that what the government of the Republic of Croatia (the reformed communist party coalition), led by the "highly educated" salon caste, has left behind is torched earth? During a mere two years of their government, unemployment has increased by 10%.
Because of an oversized bureaucracy, high taxes and an incompetent administration, foreign investments are all but gone.
Croatia is number 59 on the list of the world's top 60 economies, according to IMD's 2014 annual WCY World Competitiveness ranking (the U.
are number one).
This institutes analysts emphasize the Croatian government's incompetency and corruption as the reasons behind Croatia's insufficient competitiveness.
Businessmen, on the other hand, have named the most attractive indicators as far as Croatia is concerned: qualified labor, dependable infrastructure, a high level of education, and competitiveness in terns of costs.
The least attractive indicators are the government's competitiveness, the tax system, the stability and reliability of policies, corruptness, and the efficiency of law, as well as the general business environment.
As if the bureaucracy wasn't huge enough, its numbers have increased, and both the citizens and businessmen are left at the mercy of that parasitical monster.
Of course, there are diligent and efficient people even in such a bureaucracy, as well as in those agencies whose duty is to draw money from EU funds but, sadly, such creative and diligent people work for peanuts, while those who are incompetent, but acceptable to the political caste are having a much better time, thus suffocating what little healthy social tissue there is in the administration.
To cut a long story short, there are no creative and responsible ministers who know how to organize their departments.
The tax pressure on citizens and businessmen is bigger than ever (and we know that only lower taxes can increase production, which is also a precondition of more spending on behalf of the society).
Regardless of their size, businesses are shut down if a single undeclared coin is found in their accounts - unless they are politically connected, that is.
In that case, they are forgiven hundreds of millions in tax debts by their politician buddies.
Isn't that akin to discrimination and breach of human rights? Whistle blowers are getting fired.
I suppose they haven't heard that the American central tax bureau has rewarded a whistle blower with a hundred million dollars for unmasking a major tax evasion case.
This way, the American administration is encouraging whistle blowers to serve society, instead of throwing them out into the cold like the Croatian "reformed" political caste is doing.
And how insensitive and inhumane is their law that punishes beggars with 200 dollars for begging? Imagine this: in the eastern part of Croatia, in the city of Osijek, the media discovered a ghastly story about an old woman who survived on dog food, because she was afraid to beg in the streets due to the fines.
Insensitivity, arrogance and greed beyond your wildest imagination is their motto, and these are the hypocrites that call other people primitives.
It is another paradox on the part of old school salon snobs.
They categorize people who create values through hard work as an uneducated herd, while those who destroy everything are raised high up on society's ladder.
They are offending the same minds of people by calling all the evils of the world a result of capitalism, and at the same time they are offending the working class.
Countless young people are leaving this small and beautiful country, while at the same time wealthy tourists are paying big time to enjoy the azure Croatian sea with its thousand islands.
Of course, Croats are leaving for capitalist countries - Germany, the United Kingdom, the U.
, Canada and Australia, where they are offered a chance for success.
I've never heard of a Croatian student applying for a Chinese, Russian or North Korean visa.
So much for the evils of capitalism.
Of course, and sadly, there is injustice at the heart of capitalism too, because greed is a kind of addiction that matches drug addiction or, actually, it can be even much worse, because it doesn't destroy just the human body and mind, but the soul as well.
Still, it is a fact that a creative person has the opportunity to make their dreams come true in the U.
Then, when they leave their dream behind and become wealthy and respected, it depends on the strength of the spirit whether they will remain people with souls and emotions, or merely profit making machines.
The soul gives birth to the greatest of human happiness, emotions from which love is born, and the day a person becomes master of this own emotions, these emotions are lost for good.
True happiness cannot be bought with no amount of money and power, because it is precious, and many look for it in all the wrong places.
True happiness is in the human heart.
Global warming isn't a natural process, but a product of human greed.
The earth is warming.
It is estimated that the temperature on Earth has risen between 0.
4 and 0.
8 degrees Celsius on average between 1900 and 2005.
Twenty-two of the warmest years ever recorded happened between 1980 and 2005, the latter being the warmest one ever.
The estimates proceed to claim that the global temperature rise on Earth until the year 2100 will be between 1.
4°C and 5.
8°C (2.
5°F and 10.
4°F) if the greenhouse gas emissions continue at the same pace.
Global warming and global cooling (ice ages) have happened in the distant past as a result of natural effects, and they happened over longer time periods.
For example, the last ice age started in approximately 70.
000 B.
, and it reached its maximum at around 18.
000 B.
, ending in around 10.
000 B.
According to the definition, global warming is the increase in average temperature on the surface of Earth.
These days, this expression is mostly used in reference to the warming of the Earth's surface that is happening (and will happen) due to human activities.
It is widely accepted that the main reason behind global warming is the increased amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses that are released into the atmosphere, which in itself is a result of the burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas), the destruction of forests in favor of agriculture, and other human activities.
Greenhouse gasses amass in the upper layers of the atmosphere and have a dual effect on the temperature on the surface of the Earth.
First, there is a direct reflection of a part of the solar light that reaches us back into space, and then there is the reflection of one part of the light that reflected off Earth's surface back to Earth.
This second effect is called the greenhouse effect, and this effect is related to the maintenance of a favorable temperature on the surface of the Earth.
If it wasn't for the greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature would be around -19°C instead of the currently prevailing 15°C.
From a lay standpoint, solving the global warming problem is simple: we only need to reduce the use of fossil fuels and deforestation to a minimum amount, which would reduce the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the upper atmosphere.
However, this is currently impossible due to the insufficient development of alternative sources of energy.
Yes, mankind has a heavenly gift that can be used as alternative energy.
The American president and his administration, with the support of the Congress and the Senate, have subsidized alternative energy with 878 billion dollars.
Let's ask the Croatian government how much they gave to alternative energy sources, and how much money they drew from E.
funds towards the sustainable development of alternative energy.
To them, this is merely science fiction.
So much for their visions.
Why don't they invest in alternative energy? Because then there would be no new villas owned by politicians along the coast of the Adriatic.
There wouldn't be as many expensive cars, seafood delicacies or other ancient-Roman types of banquets (The media have unmasked Baldasar, the mayor of Split, who took himself and his government companions out to lunch, and he treated them to seafood in an exclusive restaurant on the taxpayers' tab).
If a mayor or minister from a capitalist country did something like that, he would have been forced to resign, but it seems to be a perfectly normal thing in Croatia since, apparently, human laws do not apply to deities).
To cut a long story short, these people do not want to live modestly in order to create anything valuable for the greater good.
So, humans can use the sun, as well as the wind, as an alternative energy source, just as they can use rain against drought.
An old Dutch proverb says that no one can stop the wind, but you can always build a windmill.
Quite literally, humans are provided with a heavenly gift, and all we have to do is to learn to accept it as a divine gift, and use it for the greater good.
Instead of financing alternative energy, the Croatian governing caste is building poisonous thermal power plants at the heart of nature, in the Neretva river valley.
It is wise to keep this in mind: the biggest cause of global warming is the use of fossil fuels, mostly oil and coal.
Of course, the media once again note that bribery is part of the story.
Not just that, the politicians actually plan to destroy the beautiful Croatian nature because of greed.
I should mention that i do not categorize people into us and them, but into the good and the bad, and the bad are those who are currently trying to appropriate the azure Adriatic sea.
Now, imagine killing a cow just because you want a single steak.
This is precisely what they are doing, because they are so high on greed that they do not see the forest for the trees.
They want to provide oil cartels with a hundred year concession to drill for oil in the Adriatic in return for bribery.
Economy experts and environment associations are begging them to reconsider, because oil exploitation in the Adriatic are like a nuclear bomb for tourism in Croatia and the marine flora and fauna.
However, the government is waving everyone away, as if they own the sea, and they do not seem to be afraid to directly violate the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia by doing so.
According to the Constitution, the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia extends to the land, sea and seabed, and the only sovereign is the nation itself.
The politicians want to deforest the mountainous region of Gorski Kotar, just like their brothers in greed are doing with the Amazon rainforest.
Isn't that proof enough that greed is an evil seed, because it robs people of their sanity, not just of their souls.
Don't they understand that the Amazon rainforest are the Earth's green lungs? Another source of global warming is deforestation.
The forests are important in keeping the level of greenhouse gasses in balance.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, and release oxygen back into the atmosphere, thus directly affecting the level of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere).
Thank God, the voice of reason is heard in the U.
, and so the politicians have finally decided.
We should never forget that people defend themselves while under attack, and the same is true for nature.
This proves that humans and nature are one body and one soul, created by one Creator.
The Croatian governing political caste does not want to tell its people that only those societies that invest in alternative energy sources shall survive.
The U.
invest hundreds of billions of dollars in alternative energy, and this is called caring for mother nature and future generations.
Isn't that proof enough that there is more struggle towards the good of nature at the heart of capitalism than at the heart of communism? If you would walk a street in any given Chinese city and look up, you would hardly see a blue sky.
More often than not, it is covered by smog, but they are still walking the party line - in the name of the people, the "people's" government decided to increase the productivity of their factories, thus driving a nail into the heart of mother nature.
Of course, they never heard of alternative energy, just like their Croatian counterparts, since alternative energy is expensive, which means that a smaller fraction of the "people's" money would remain in their all-too-deep pockets.
The Chinese communist party and the Croatian political caste seem to have common enemy - their subjects, nature, and the syndicates.
Of course, they will once again claim that the poverty of their people should be blamed on evil imperialistic capitalism.
Someone should tell those arrogant potentates that an honest day's work is much more valued at the heart of capitalism, in the U.
and Germany, than in Croatia and China.
There is no chance in hell that the German government would even try to push a labor law through the parliament without the syndicates' approval, and this is why the hourly wage in Germany is ten times bigger than the one in Croatia.
The Croatian government, the "reformed" communist party, doesn't just ignore the contracts signed by the previous governing party, HDZ, but they also call the syndicates enemies of the state, just because they are trying to protect the interests of their members, the workers.
So much for the love of the "people's" government for their people.
No American institute would ever call the farmers primitives, but the "reformed" communists in Croatia are doing just that, through their institutes and the pro-regime state-owned Croatian Television (HRT).
It is interesting to see that the governing party installed one of their own, a Mr.
Radman, to preside over HRT.
Radman is a man who praised the communist dictator Tito as a student, wishing him a happy birthday and a long and happy life, while Tito was imprisoning liberal students.
The product of his presidency is both censorship and self-censorship on the part of the journalists.
An old retired professor mentioned that he is always shocked by HRT's central newscast, because it reminds him of the old communist times.
Such people dare to call farmers, peasants, fishermen and all residents of small communities primitives.
Life teaches us that this is wrong.
After all, we shouldn't forget that many of the world's artists, scientists (Nikola Tesla, for one), philosophers, architects, doctors and other famous people who indebted us with their visions, grew up in poor rural communities, in the exact place where the less educated and the poor are those who vote.
After all, Arthur Conan Doyle, author and scientist who created the famous Sherlock Holmes, was born to poor Irish parents who grew up in a backward Irish village.
Those who are more familiar with literature know that Arthur Conan Doyle renounced Christianity and became agnostic.
According to some, agnosticism is a standpoint that recognizes a difference between believing and knowing, instead of making precise claims regarding faith.
An agnostic is someone who does not believe in either the existence nor non-existence of God.
It is interesting to know that Doyle, as he lay dying, just like Jean-Paul Sartre, admitted to having been a skeptic all his life, but he eventually admitted that there must be some higher sacred force that enriches human souls with all those values he stood for in his literary works.
"At the end of life, I have finally admitted out loud what I was hiding all my life, like a treasure hunter, in the holiest of places, the heart, that I would never have written a single letter if it wasn't for faith.
" Life teaches us that it is irrelevant where a person is growing up.
What is relevant is how they are growing up.
The target of those salon snobs isn't HDZ as a political party, but what they are pretending to be - democratic Christians.
It is their goal to call everyone a primitive, everyone who dares to enter a church or look up and ask the Lord for help.
These Croatian salon snobs gave in to the nihilist stream of decadence as soon as they left their cradles behind.
They will always blame their own mistakes on someone else.
They even want to be the masters of history, and to cut it and tailor it to the desires of their masters.
But it's all for naught, because doesn't belong to any single person, but to the judge that cannot be bribed, time itself.
They will label one war crime as genocide (and they will be right to do so, because the crime committed by the Ustashas in the Jasenovac concentration camp was horrible), but they will label the other war crime as justified...
"By the sheer number of civilian victims - and an imprisoned and unarmed soldier is also a civilian victim - the Bleiburg case and the "Passion" are a typical example of Partisan and Communist repression and crime, i.
the "confrontation with the enemy of the people" in Yugoslavia and Croatia in particular, at the end of World War II and during the early post-war period" said Vladimir Geiger, a historian.
He explained that the numerous books and studies written on the Bleiburg case estimate the number of victims at around 200 to 250 thousand Ustashas, regular soldiers and civilians of the Independent State of Croatia killed in action or murdered after being imprisoned.
They don't want to understand that their idol Tito is a war criminal according to the definitions of all international conventions, because he organized the mass murder of civilians in Bleiburg (even bones of children holding crucifixes in their hands were found in mass graves).
They do not want to understand that the glorious independence war of the early 1990s doesn't have anything to do with World War II, because the heroes of the independence war have sacrificed themselves to defend Croatia from a much more powerful enemy (the Serbian JNA and the barbarian Chetniks) for the sake of everybody's freedom.
The volunteers didn't just manage to defend Croatia, but they also helped the defense of Biha? in Bosnia and Herzegovina in preventing the troops of Ratko Mladic to defeat them.
If Ratko Mladic managed to reach Biha?, there would be an even bigger massacre than the one that happened in Srebrenica.
The Independence War veterans constantly emphasize that they have nothing to do with either World War II or the Independent State of Croatia, or any political party, because they fought for a Croatian state where everyone would have equal opportunity, regardless of race, gender, religion or social status.
These warriors admit that faith helps them along in their darkest moments, and keeps them from committing suicide when they are abandoned by politicians and the society in general.
It is hard for them to think back to the fall of the city of Vukovar.
It should be remembered that Slobodan Milosevic, the "butcher of the Balkans", sent an army of 34,000 to conquer Vukovar, backed by the Yugoslav army and hundreds of tanks and airplanes, and it took them months to defeat all of 2,000 of those who defended the city that eventually fell after taking millions of grenades and bombs.
When the drunken Serbian units entered the city, they killed hundreds of old people, women and wounded Croatian patriots in cold blood, and they raped girls and women, and even old women.
The heroes can hardly be oblivious to all these crimes, and so the society and the politicians must helped them, but the political caste abandoned them a long time ago.
All they have left is faith.
Is that primitive? The veterans admit to being proud patriots, but does being a patriot amount to being primitive? One of the veterans confided in me and told me that he carried a wounded compatriot.
To engage him in a conversation, he asked him what he was fighting for, and the wounded warrior replied that those who help others are the greatest of patriots, and that he felt at peace with the world knowing that he (and the others) saved a group of old people from the hands of the Chetniks the day before.
He died a moment later.
Politicians will keep dividing people into the educated left, and the unrefined and religious right.
They know of no other way to rule, apart from applying the old 'divide et impera'.
They simply do not want to learn.
And life, the wisest of teachers, is always teaching us.
Dividing people into those who are left and right of the center is a mistake, because we should never forget that every person has, and must have, the freedom to choose, and that this is the only way to become free.
Political ideologies that do not respect the right to opinion are using the old timely method of dividing people into those who are primitive and those who are educated, a higher and a lower race.
It should be kept in mind that the Nazi ideology was responsible for the deaths of 60 million people, while the communist ideology took twice as much, 120 million lives).
Yet, it would be good for them to finally understand that no ideology can kill freedom, because it is known that every person is fighting his two selves from the moment they are born, and that everyone has the freedom to choose between good and evil.
Many have fallen to greed.
Who are they? Those who lose compassion for the other; Those who are ready to renounce themselves for money and power (they become slaves to greed); Those who hate more than they love; Those who want to rule nature (Only when a person loves nature as they love themselves, they will be able to sense all of its charms, and only in synergy with nature, with the sun and the wind, people shall create energy that will take them into space, where they will shake the hands of other God's creatures); Those who want to create human beings through stem cell cloning, while there are millions who die of starvation (We know that a person is only complete with emotions and a soul that cannot be and never will be built by any geneticist); Those who think that hunger shall cut the world's population in half, because there are too many people on Earth anyway (If that happens, the cloned man shall rule, and there will be no more tears, laughter, sorrow, hope, faith, as humans with souls shall disappear); Those who cure their inner emptiness with mere lust (To love is to be delighted by the happiness of someone, or to experience pleasure upon the happiness of another.
I define this as true love.
Those who are afraid of solitude (of the man in the mirror - If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.
Those who think of the faithful as primitives.
What is the definition of primitivism? Everyone needs to find their own answer to this question.
The man in the mirror is patiently waiting.
We should ask ourselves the honest question - if faith encourages us to love, to be compassionate and kind to others, then the most primitive are those who consider this to be primitive.
Love connects people, while hatred divides them.
Love is the flame that cannot be extinguished in people, and its sacred home is the human soul.
Those who forbid others to freely voice their emotions and opinions are depriving themselves of the Lord's merciful gift which is love.
Every person has the right to an opinion as a free individual, and life shall be the judge of who was right.
Walter William Safar
The HRstat project was initiated by the Science and Society Synergy Institute.
It is a non-profit project that came to be due to the increased needs of the Institute towards collecting various data in Croatian municipalities and cities, as well as settlements, counties and Zagreb city quarters.
The above is a headline from the Croatian Index news portal.
One doesn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand that this HRstat project is every bit as "non-profit" as its mentors, the governing coalition.
All these so-called institutes, associations and other "independent" polling agencies are appearing out of the blue, which is proof enough that being a "non-profit" institution is very profitable.
Note the contradiction: HRstat was started by the Science and Society Synergy Institute.
What is their connection to synergy if they divide society into the well educated and the less educated? It is interesting to see that "non-profit" associations in Croatia are financed from the annual budget, which proves that they serve those who are currently in power (the "reformed" communist party).
Those "independent" associations got over one billion dollars during last year.
While the government of the Republic of Croatia is providing a million dollar to these associations they like so much, the education and science minister keeps decreasing the already low wages of the professors and teachers.
The health minister has lowered the budget, thus decreasing the low wages of the physicians for another 10%.
Thus, they are not investing in science, education and health, but into associations that serve as their PR agencies.
Who's the primitive in this story? In the U.
, there are thousands of "non-profit" associations, but they are not financed from the country's annual budget, but from donations made by citizens and businesses, which makes them genuinely independent, serving their own noble causes.
To my conscience, the HDZ and SDP political parties are but identical twins that serve their own interests instead of serving the people, but I am not, and I do not wish to be, the one who would reach a judgment regarding HDZ voters being primitives.
Why? Because the freedom of every person is to vote according to their conscience and feelings, and those who hurts their feelings is the biggest of primitives.
The purport of freedom is to honor the people's will, isn't it? Or are some "highly educated" salon snobs supposed to have a generic advantage over those who labor? Doesn't that reek of communist dictatorship? Above the people, like the sharp blade of a guillotine, a single "highly educated" party is shining, with the "revolutionary" Robespierrian duty to cut off the heads of all those who dare to differ.
Is that the message of the "highly educated" salon institutes? When all is said and done, who is doing more for the Croatian society, the lowbrow farmer who is impregnating the soil with his sweat, or the laborer who is building highways, towers and factories with his bare hands, or the "highly educated" well-dressed "reformed" salon communist who somehow manages to destroy whatever the previous two created? Isn't it true that what the government of the Republic of Croatia (the reformed communist party coalition), led by the "highly educated" salon caste, has left behind is torched earth? During a mere two years of their government, unemployment has increased by 10%.
Because of an oversized bureaucracy, high taxes and an incompetent administration, foreign investments are all but gone.
Croatia is number 59 on the list of the world's top 60 economies, according to IMD's 2014 annual WCY World Competitiveness ranking (the U.
are number one).
This institutes analysts emphasize the Croatian government's incompetency and corruption as the reasons behind Croatia's insufficient competitiveness.
Businessmen, on the other hand, have named the most attractive indicators as far as Croatia is concerned: qualified labor, dependable infrastructure, a high level of education, and competitiveness in terns of costs.
The least attractive indicators are the government's competitiveness, the tax system, the stability and reliability of policies, corruptness, and the efficiency of law, as well as the general business environment.
As if the bureaucracy wasn't huge enough, its numbers have increased, and both the citizens and businessmen are left at the mercy of that parasitical monster.
Of course, there are diligent and efficient people even in such a bureaucracy, as well as in those agencies whose duty is to draw money from EU funds but, sadly, such creative and diligent people work for peanuts, while those who are incompetent, but acceptable to the political caste are having a much better time, thus suffocating what little healthy social tissue there is in the administration.
To cut a long story short, there are no creative and responsible ministers who know how to organize their departments.
The tax pressure on citizens and businessmen is bigger than ever (and we know that only lower taxes can increase production, which is also a precondition of more spending on behalf of the society).
Regardless of their size, businesses are shut down if a single undeclared coin is found in their accounts - unless they are politically connected, that is.
In that case, they are forgiven hundreds of millions in tax debts by their politician buddies.
Isn't that akin to discrimination and breach of human rights? Whistle blowers are getting fired.
I suppose they haven't heard that the American central tax bureau has rewarded a whistle blower with a hundred million dollars for unmasking a major tax evasion case.
This way, the American administration is encouraging whistle blowers to serve society, instead of throwing them out into the cold like the Croatian "reformed" political caste is doing.
And how insensitive and inhumane is their law that punishes beggars with 200 dollars for begging? Imagine this: in the eastern part of Croatia, in the city of Osijek, the media discovered a ghastly story about an old woman who survived on dog food, because she was afraid to beg in the streets due to the fines.
Insensitivity, arrogance and greed beyond your wildest imagination is their motto, and these are the hypocrites that call other people primitives.
It is another paradox on the part of old school salon snobs.
They categorize people who create values through hard work as an uneducated herd, while those who destroy everything are raised high up on society's ladder.
They are offending the same minds of people by calling all the evils of the world a result of capitalism, and at the same time they are offending the working class.
Countless young people are leaving this small and beautiful country, while at the same time wealthy tourists are paying big time to enjoy the azure Croatian sea with its thousand islands.
Of course, Croats are leaving for capitalist countries - Germany, the United Kingdom, the U.
, Canada and Australia, where they are offered a chance for success.
I've never heard of a Croatian student applying for a Chinese, Russian or North Korean visa.
So much for the evils of capitalism.
Of course, and sadly, there is injustice at the heart of capitalism too, because greed is a kind of addiction that matches drug addiction or, actually, it can be even much worse, because it doesn't destroy just the human body and mind, but the soul as well.
Still, it is a fact that a creative person has the opportunity to make their dreams come true in the U.
Then, when they leave their dream behind and become wealthy and respected, it depends on the strength of the spirit whether they will remain people with souls and emotions, or merely profit making machines.
The soul gives birth to the greatest of human happiness, emotions from which love is born, and the day a person becomes master of this own emotions, these emotions are lost for good.
True happiness cannot be bought with no amount of money and power, because it is precious, and many look for it in all the wrong places.
True happiness is in the human heart.
Global warming isn't a natural process, but a product of human greed.
The earth is warming.
It is estimated that the temperature on Earth has risen between 0.
4 and 0.
8 degrees Celsius on average between 1900 and 2005.
Twenty-two of the warmest years ever recorded happened between 1980 and 2005, the latter being the warmest one ever.
The estimates proceed to claim that the global temperature rise on Earth until the year 2100 will be between 1.
4°C and 5.
8°C (2.
5°F and 10.
4°F) if the greenhouse gas emissions continue at the same pace.
Global warming and global cooling (ice ages) have happened in the distant past as a result of natural effects, and they happened over longer time periods.
For example, the last ice age started in approximately 70.
000 B.
, and it reached its maximum at around 18.
000 B.
, ending in around 10.
000 B.
According to the definition, global warming is the increase in average temperature on the surface of Earth.
These days, this expression is mostly used in reference to the warming of the Earth's surface that is happening (and will happen) due to human activities.
It is widely accepted that the main reason behind global warming is the increased amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses that are released into the atmosphere, which in itself is a result of the burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas), the destruction of forests in favor of agriculture, and other human activities.
Greenhouse gasses amass in the upper layers of the atmosphere and have a dual effect on the temperature on the surface of the Earth.
First, there is a direct reflection of a part of the solar light that reaches us back into space, and then there is the reflection of one part of the light that reflected off Earth's surface back to Earth.
This second effect is called the greenhouse effect, and this effect is related to the maintenance of a favorable temperature on the surface of the Earth.
If it wasn't for the greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature would be around -19°C instead of the currently prevailing 15°C.
From a lay standpoint, solving the global warming problem is simple: we only need to reduce the use of fossil fuels and deforestation to a minimum amount, which would reduce the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the upper atmosphere.
However, this is currently impossible due to the insufficient development of alternative sources of energy.
Yes, mankind has a heavenly gift that can be used as alternative energy.
The American president and his administration, with the support of the Congress and the Senate, have subsidized alternative energy with 878 billion dollars.
Let's ask the Croatian government how much they gave to alternative energy sources, and how much money they drew from E.
funds towards the sustainable development of alternative energy.
To them, this is merely science fiction.
So much for their visions.
Why don't they invest in alternative energy? Because then there would be no new villas owned by politicians along the coast of the Adriatic.
There wouldn't be as many expensive cars, seafood delicacies or other ancient-Roman types of banquets (The media have unmasked Baldasar, the mayor of Split, who took himself and his government companions out to lunch, and he treated them to seafood in an exclusive restaurant on the taxpayers' tab).
If a mayor or minister from a capitalist country did something like that, he would have been forced to resign, but it seems to be a perfectly normal thing in Croatia since, apparently, human laws do not apply to deities).
To cut a long story short, these people do not want to live modestly in order to create anything valuable for the greater good.
So, humans can use the sun, as well as the wind, as an alternative energy source, just as they can use rain against drought.
An old Dutch proverb says that no one can stop the wind, but you can always build a windmill.
Quite literally, humans are provided with a heavenly gift, and all we have to do is to learn to accept it as a divine gift, and use it for the greater good.
Instead of financing alternative energy, the Croatian governing caste is building poisonous thermal power plants at the heart of nature, in the Neretva river valley.
It is wise to keep this in mind: the biggest cause of global warming is the use of fossil fuels, mostly oil and coal.
Of course, the media once again note that bribery is part of the story.
Not just that, the politicians actually plan to destroy the beautiful Croatian nature because of greed.
I should mention that i do not categorize people into us and them, but into the good and the bad, and the bad are those who are currently trying to appropriate the azure Adriatic sea.
Now, imagine killing a cow just because you want a single steak.
This is precisely what they are doing, because they are so high on greed that they do not see the forest for the trees.
They want to provide oil cartels with a hundred year concession to drill for oil in the Adriatic in return for bribery.
Economy experts and environment associations are begging them to reconsider, because oil exploitation in the Adriatic are like a nuclear bomb for tourism in Croatia and the marine flora and fauna.
However, the government is waving everyone away, as if they own the sea, and they do not seem to be afraid to directly violate the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia by doing so.
According to the Constitution, the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia extends to the land, sea and seabed, and the only sovereign is the nation itself.
The politicians want to deforest the mountainous region of Gorski Kotar, just like their brothers in greed are doing with the Amazon rainforest.
Isn't that proof enough that greed is an evil seed, because it robs people of their sanity, not just of their souls.
Don't they understand that the Amazon rainforest are the Earth's green lungs? Another source of global warming is deforestation.
The forests are important in keeping the level of greenhouse gasses in balance.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, and release oxygen back into the atmosphere, thus directly affecting the level of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere).
Thank God, the voice of reason is heard in the U.
, and so the politicians have finally decided.
We should never forget that people defend themselves while under attack, and the same is true for nature.
This proves that humans and nature are one body and one soul, created by one Creator.
The Croatian governing political caste does not want to tell its people that only those societies that invest in alternative energy sources shall survive.
The U.
invest hundreds of billions of dollars in alternative energy, and this is called caring for mother nature and future generations.
Isn't that proof enough that there is more struggle towards the good of nature at the heart of capitalism than at the heart of communism? If you would walk a street in any given Chinese city and look up, you would hardly see a blue sky.
More often than not, it is covered by smog, but they are still walking the party line - in the name of the people, the "people's" government decided to increase the productivity of their factories, thus driving a nail into the heart of mother nature.
Of course, they never heard of alternative energy, just like their Croatian counterparts, since alternative energy is expensive, which means that a smaller fraction of the "people's" money would remain in their all-too-deep pockets.
The Chinese communist party and the Croatian political caste seem to have common enemy - their subjects, nature, and the syndicates.
Of course, they will once again claim that the poverty of their people should be blamed on evil imperialistic capitalism.
Someone should tell those arrogant potentates that an honest day's work is much more valued at the heart of capitalism, in the U.
and Germany, than in Croatia and China.
There is no chance in hell that the German government would even try to push a labor law through the parliament without the syndicates' approval, and this is why the hourly wage in Germany is ten times bigger than the one in Croatia.
The Croatian government, the "reformed" communist party, doesn't just ignore the contracts signed by the previous governing party, HDZ, but they also call the syndicates enemies of the state, just because they are trying to protect the interests of their members, the workers.
So much for the love of the "people's" government for their people.
No American institute would ever call the farmers primitives, but the "reformed" communists in Croatia are doing just that, through their institutes and the pro-regime state-owned Croatian Television (HRT).
It is interesting to see that the governing party installed one of their own, a Mr.
Radman, to preside over HRT.
Radman is a man who praised the communist dictator Tito as a student, wishing him a happy birthday and a long and happy life, while Tito was imprisoning liberal students.
The product of his presidency is both censorship and self-censorship on the part of the journalists.
An old retired professor mentioned that he is always shocked by HRT's central newscast, because it reminds him of the old communist times.
Such people dare to call farmers, peasants, fishermen and all residents of small communities primitives.
Life teaches us that this is wrong.
After all, we shouldn't forget that many of the world's artists, scientists (Nikola Tesla, for one), philosophers, architects, doctors and other famous people who indebted us with their visions, grew up in poor rural communities, in the exact place where the less educated and the poor are those who vote.
After all, Arthur Conan Doyle, author and scientist who created the famous Sherlock Holmes, was born to poor Irish parents who grew up in a backward Irish village.
Those who are more familiar with literature know that Arthur Conan Doyle renounced Christianity and became agnostic.
According to some, agnosticism is a standpoint that recognizes a difference between believing and knowing, instead of making precise claims regarding faith.
An agnostic is someone who does not believe in either the existence nor non-existence of God.
It is interesting to know that Doyle, as he lay dying, just like Jean-Paul Sartre, admitted to having been a skeptic all his life, but he eventually admitted that there must be some higher sacred force that enriches human souls with all those values he stood for in his literary works.
"At the end of life, I have finally admitted out loud what I was hiding all my life, like a treasure hunter, in the holiest of places, the heart, that I would never have written a single letter if it wasn't for faith.
" Life teaches us that it is irrelevant where a person is growing up.
What is relevant is how they are growing up.
The target of those salon snobs isn't HDZ as a political party, but what they are pretending to be - democratic Christians.
It is their goal to call everyone a primitive, everyone who dares to enter a church or look up and ask the Lord for help.
These Croatian salon snobs gave in to the nihilist stream of decadence as soon as they left their cradles behind.
They will always blame their own mistakes on someone else.
They even want to be the masters of history, and to cut it and tailor it to the desires of their masters.
But it's all for naught, because doesn't belong to any single person, but to the judge that cannot be bribed, time itself.
They will label one war crime as genocide (and they will be right to do so, because the crime committed by the Ustashas in the Jasenovac concentration camp was horrible), but they will label the other war crime as justified...
"By the sheer number of civilian victims - and an imprisoned and unarmed soldier is also a civilian victim - the Bleiburg case and the "Passion" are a typical example of Partisan and Communist repression and crime, i.
the "confrontation with the enemy of the people" in Yugoslavia and Croatia in particular, at the end of World War II and during the early post-war period" said Vladimir Geiger, a historian.
He explained that the numerous books and studies written on the Bleiburg case estimate the number of victims at around 200 to 250 thousand Ustashas, regular soldiers and civilians of the Independent State of Croatia killed in action or murdered after being imprisoned.
They don't want to understand that their idol Tito is a war criminal according to the definitions of all international conventions, because he organized the mass murder of civilians in Bleiburg (even bones of children holding crucifixes in their hands were found in mass graves).
They do not want to understand that the glorious independence war of the early 1990s doesn't have anything to do with World War II, because the heroes of the independence war have sacrificed themselves to defend Croatia from a much more powerful enemy (the Serbian JNA and the barbarian Chetniks) for the sake of everybody's freedom.
The volunteers didn't just manage to defend Croatia, but they also helped the defense of Biha? in Bosnia and Herzegovina in preventing the troops of Ratko Mladic to defeat them.
If Ratko Mladic managed to reach Biha?, there would be an even bigger massacre than the one that happened in Srebrenica.
The Independence War veterans constantly emphasize that they have nothing to do with either World War II or the Independent State of Croatia, or any political party, because they fought for a Croatian state where everyone would have equal opportunity, regardless of race, gender, religion or social status.
These warriors admit that faith helps them along in their darkest moments, and keeps them from committing suicide when they are abandoned by politicians and the society in general.
It is hard for them to think back to the fall of the city of Vukovar.
It should be remembered that Slobodan Milosevic, the "butcher of the Balkans", sent an army of 34,000 to conquer Vukovar, backed by the Yugoslav army and hundreds of tanks and airplanes, and it took them months to defeat all of 2,000 of those who defended the city that eventually fell after taking millions of grenades and bombs.
When the drunken Serbian units entered the city, they killed hundreds of old people, women and wounded Croatian patriots in cold blood, and they raped girls and women, and even old women.
The heroes can hardly be oblivious to all these crimes, and so the society and the politicians must helped them, but the political caste abandoned them a long time ago.
All they have left is faith.
Is that primitive? The veterans admit to being proud patriots, but does being a patriot amount to being primitive? One of the veterans confided in me and told me that he carried a wounded compatriot.
To engage him in a conversation, he asked him what he was fighting for, and the wounded warrior replied that those who help others are the greatest of patriots, and that he felt at peace with the world knowing that he (and the others) saved a group of old people from the hands of the Chetniks the day before.
He died a moment later.
Politicians will keep dividing people into the educated left, and the unrefined and religious right.
They know of no other way to rule, apart from applying the old 'divide et impera'.
They simply do not want to learn.
And life, the wisest of teachers, is always teaching us.
Dividing people into those who are left and right of the center is a mistake, because we should never forget that every person has, and must have, the freedom to choose, and that this is the only way to become free.
Political ideologies that do not respect the right to opinion are using the old timely method of dividing people into those who are primitive and those who are educated, a higher and a lower race.
It should be kept in mind that the Nazi ideology was responsible for the deaths of 60 million people, while the communist ideology took twice as much, 120 million lives).
Yet, it would be good for them to finally understand that no ideology can kill freedom, because it is known that every person is fighting his two selves from the moment they are born, and that everyone has the freedom to choose between good and evil.
Many have fallen to greed.
Who are they? Those who lose compassion for the other; Those who are ready to renounce themselves for money and power (they become slaves to greed); Those who hate more than they love; Those who want to rule nature (Only when a person loves nature as they love themselves, they will be able to sense all of its charms, and only in synergy with nature, with the sun and the wind, people shall create energy that will take them into space, where they will shake the hands of other God's creatures); Those who want to create human beings through stem cell cloning, while there are millions who die of starvation (We know that a person is only complete with emotions and a soul that cannot be and never will be built by any geneticist); Those who think that hunger shall cut the world's population in half, because there are too many people on Earth anyway (If that happens, the cloned man shall rule, and there will be no more tears, laughter, sorrow, hope, faith, as humans with souls shall disappear); Those who cure their inner emptiness with mere lust (To love is to be delighted by the happiness of someone, or to experience pleasure upon the happiness of another.
I define this as true love.
Those who are afraid of solitude (of the man in the mirror - If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.
Those who think of the faithful as primitives.
What is the definition of primitivism? Everyone needs to find their own answer to this question.
The man in the mirror is patiently waiting.
We should ask ourselves the honest question - if faith encourages us to love, to be compassionate and kind to others, then the most primitive are those who consider this to be primitive.
Love connects people, while hatred divides them.
Love is the flame that cannot be extinguished in people, and its sacred home is the human soul.
Those who forbid others to freely voice their emotions and opinions are depriving themselves of the Lord's merciful gift which is love.
Every person has the right to an opinion as a free individual, and life shall be the judge of who was right.
Walter William Safar