Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

The Palin Power Factor

The Sarah Palin frenzy goes on ..
We had another dose at the VP debate of what this governor is all about.
She has the good looks, charisma, spunk, intelligence, self confidence, and charm all wrapped into one lovely package.
Donny Deutsch of the Big Idea, puts it even better.
She has the marketability of a good product.
Of a Woman in Power.
Here is what Donny has to say about Sarah Palin.
"Super Mom, Sexy, Perfect Age, Lioness, Funny, Real, Rock Solid, Smart, Feisty.
She is the new feminist ideal.
" As a 40 year old woman myself, I found myself watching the VP debate as if my sister was on stage.
I was flinching when Joe Biden took a verbal swipe at her and waiting for Sarah to strike back with her ole down home smile and one liners.
I felt the unevenness of the night before the debate started.
For God sakes we had the David vs Goliath of politics show.
Sarah Palin was up against a 30 year Washington veteran.
Putting my 40 year old self in her shoes on yet another grand stage for all the world to see, made my soul quake.
How was she going to handle a premiere Washington go getter one on one? I could not imagine myself in her worldly situation.
Hence, she was my proxy.
She spoke for me as an empowered woman.
That is why I was flinching.
I was flinching for all women.
Sarah Palin is not only a pioneer woman cutting through the political forest, she is paving the way for woman in power.
Political power.
Add her feminine marketability and old school charm and you have a political force.
Sarah Palin has natural charisma.
She makes you feel as though you are her sister, her friend, your comrade in arms.
You saw her do it at the beginning of the VP debate when she shook Joe Biden's hand and asked if she could call him " Joe.
' Coincidentally, is there a more down to earth American male name than Joe? Sarah answered her first question with " all you have to do is go to a soccer game...
" This kitchen table verbiage is how she connects with the average Joe, the average Betty.
She knows how to market herself and it comes naturally.
The Palin Power Factor is two fold - likability and marketability.
Sarah Palin came into our lives and has taken likability to new levels.
To the homes and hearts of middle class Americans.
Even if the McCain/Palin ticket does not win the White House in November, Gov Palin has already dazzled us with her natural Palin Power.
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