Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

GOP Debate South Carolina: Gingrinch Nails CNN Moderator and News Media, Romney Stalls Tax Return

I'm sure the News Media had no idea what to expect last night when for the first question of the South Carolina Debate last night, John King asked Newt Gingrich to comment on his second wife's allegations (which aired on ABC on Wednesday, the night before) that Newt wanted their marriage to be 'open' so he could have a relationship with who is now his now third wife.
Newt's response was as some put it Nuclear on steroids.
Not only was Newt ready, but he severely chastised the news media in general (in ways that seemingly rang true to the audience there), as well as David King in particular for making the question of his fidelity the 1st topic of the debate, implying that this was the most important question to the American people.
Newt argued that implication and clearly the audience agreed.
He further argued that this type of media behavior is what keeps good people from ever wanting to work in the Public Sector.
Only after he finished his scathing attack did he deny the charges making this a purely 'he said, she said' event.
Clearly CNN could not have played more into Newt's hand if they had tried, which begs a disturbing question; Is it possible the second wife's revelation was staged by Newt? I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but I am acknowledging:
  • Newt's calm genius.
    He was not only ready, he was savoring CNN's question like a fine meal served with the perfect wine.
  • The timing of this revelation was 'Perfect'.
    So much so that in my world, I would just like to make sure the timing of this revelation was completely at the whim's of ABC and CNN and that his 2nd wife had NO PART in sequencing her news release.
  • Further I would love to check his ex-wife's money flow and phone records for the last little while just to be sure his wife was acting independently.
Do I think any of the above happened? Probably not, I consistently said Newt's a genius, but genius cuts both ways.
If he's going to be President, let's make sure he's a good genius, after all that's what elections are for.
Assuming Newt is acting in good faith, clearly he behaved like a 'Leader' something you rarely see in a President.
Romney on the other had has consistently failed to remove, what was assumed to be, the easiest material object standing between him and the White House, his Tax Returns.
Last night was no exception.
He did offer to make them available in April (after the GOP Primary) which Newt rejected out of hand.
The end result: Gingrich: For better or for worse, The American People are getting to know Newt and perhaps are beginning to believe the benefits of him being President may, by far, outweigh the risks.
He clearly speaks with his own voice, can handle with news media with one hand tied behind his back and speaks to the truth that some real world experience cannot be had without sometimes enduring hard lessons.
Romney: The Tax Return issue may be a deal breaker to the American people, or to be clearer, the fact that Romney doesn't realize how much of a deal breaker not releasing his Tax Return is..
may itself have be the the deal breaker.
This move is especially suicidal sine it was his own father who began the tradition of revealing tax returns during his own Presidential run back in the sixties.
The American people know Romney is rich and this should a just a formality.
It's his own refusal, excuses and evasiveness on the subject which gives the American People pause..
Which may have already created his own demise.
David King: Hopefully will live to fight another day, but I'm not sure if CNN will choose to afford it however.
Typically second chances are rare in the case of an anchor embarrassing their network.
In true media tradition, nothing will happen immediately but, time will tell.
Bottom Line Score: Newt+1, Mitt -1, King/CNN -1.
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