Law & Legal & Attorney: Examples of Economic Indicators

Examples of Economic Indicators

The government reports on economic indicators to give an overview of how the economy is tower image by drx from Fotolia.comThe government uses a number of indicators to provide information on the performance of the economy. The United States Congress publishes a...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Jumping To Foregone Conclusions

Jumping To Foregone Conclusions

On Monday I was reading about a study which supposedly shows that American individualism hinders our ability to understand others.Now the counter claim in this study is that collectivist societies (communist, socialist, etc.) help people that live under them understand others better and take into ac

Law & Legal & Attorney: Can Europe Provide An Opportunity For David Cameron?

Can Europe Provide An Opportunity For David Cameron?

Europe is in deep trouble. It has become clear that although the Euro may not collapse if there is not much deeper economic integration and vast financial transfers; it would certainly be safer if it did have these.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How To Make Your Own "Save the Date" Cards Online

How To Make Your Own "Save the Date" Cards Online

When throwing a large party or get together it is customary to send out save the date cards before the official invitations. Often times, invitations only go out a few weeks before the event, so you want to warn everyone about the party well in advance with the save the date cards. This allows your

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Locate Congressmen

How to Locate Congressmen

Congresspersons are elected to represent the people in their districts and the people of the United States. Because of this, constituents should be able to contact their representative to ask questions, make suggestions or ask for help. While Congresspersons keep busy with fundraising, making decisi

Law & Legal & Attorney: Governor Patrick Appoints Paul Kirk to Kennedy's Senate Seat

Governor Patrick Appoints Paul Kirk to Kennedy's Senate Seat

Governor Deval Patrick has appointed Paul Kirk, a loyal aide and friend of Ted Kennedy, as an interim replacement for the late senator. The Massachusetts' House had earlier passed a bill allowing Gov. Patrick to name someone temporarily until the special election is held on January 19, 2010. Si

Law & Legal & Attorney: Healthcare - Where Will it Take Us?

Healthcare - Where Will it Take Us?

The government is trying to convince you that the proposed Health Care Bill to be approved by the House and the Senate will save money. With the additional fixed costs needed to support all of the new government agencies, etc., additional coverage for 36 million more people and the provision to prov

Law & Legal & Attorney: Birmingham' s Child Heroes

Birmingham' s Child Heroes

An overview of the Birmingham, Alabama child marches of May, 1963 that saw hundreds of young children take the streets to claim their freedom.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Moving Toward The Political Equator

Moving Toward The Political Equator

The cure for ideological polarization is a system that drives leaders toward the political equator. Our system is working just fine.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Education Shouldn't Be Cut From State Budgets

Education Shouldn't Be Cut From State Budgets

As budgets tighten around the United States, state governments are struggling to figure out how they can save money and shrink their deficits. It's a tough battle as nobody wants taxes increased during a bad economy, but at the same time, nobody wants programs cut. Placed in this situation, it&

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Install a T-Rex 500 Governor

How to Install a T-Rex 500 Governor

The T-Rex 500 is a radio control model helicopter manufactured by Align Corp. It is driven by a lithium-ion polymer battery. The voltage from the battery will fluctuate over the course of the flight, causing the helicopter's performance to fluctuate with it. Since the voltage is directly related to

Law & Legal & Attorney: Plastic on Every Corner - How One Product Can Bankrupt the US

Plastic on Every Corner - How One Product Can Bankrupt the US

The US Government currently spends 50 cents of every dollar earned in this country, making them by far the world's biggest single consumer. Yet for all the chatter from the government on boosting our green future and encouraging a new green economy of sorts, not much is being proposed to priori

Law & Legal & Attorney: Government Of Law Only Hope Of Progress

Government Of Law Only Hope Of Progress

It is an affection of the ignorant and the lazy to reject history as irrelevant mythology a boring repository of useless information that has no bearing on the problems of today.What a pity!

Law & Legal & Attorney: Texas Offers Renewable Energy Incentives to Property Owners

Texas Offers Renewable Energy Incentives to Property Owners

Apart from TXU partnering with various solar companies to lease solar panel systems to homeowners, Texas provides other incentives for businesses and homeowners involved in renewable energy technologies. These incentives are helping Texas to become energy independent.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Case of Eminent Domain Resonates Year After Supreme Decision

Case of Eminent Domain Resonates Year After Supreme Decision

Although the takings of private land belonging to homeowners and small businesses under the guise of eminent domain have been argued repeatedly and primarily over the past half century, the U.S. Supreme Courts 2005 decision came closest to heightening the blurring of legitimate use of such takings f

Law & Legal & Attorney: Clinton Or Obama? Who Is The Stronger Candidate?

Clinton Or Obama? Who Is The Stronger Candidate?

After surviving the "Bush" years, like many others, I am pretty geared up for a change. Change is a word we have been hearing a lot of lately. What is change? The Webster dictionary identifies change as "become or make different" "substitute or replace something" pass f

Law & Legal & Attorney: UK Immigration Up in the Air

UK Immigration Up in the Air

As the departure of the Labour party is firmly cemented by the new coalition governments announcement to cap migration by non-EU workers to 20,000 a year. What is the history leading up to this, and is a reduction that equates to just 5% going to solve anything?

Law & Legal & Attorney: America - The Paragon of Virtue?

America - The Paragon of Virtue?

In talking about the Holocaust, I have heard many people in this country ask, "How could the German people not know what was happening in their own country? And how could they ignore it when they did know? Doesn't that mean they agree with what was going on in their hearts?"