Law & Legal & Attorney: Facts About the Army Reserve

Facts About the Army Reserve

The Army Reserve combines its specialized skills with civilian work experience to provide America with its blanket of national security. There are many options and benefits for those who wish to join the Army Reserve, as well as many duties that need to be fulfilled. It is not a job that can be take

Law & Legal & Attorney: Night Raids In Afghanistan Are A Necessary Evil

Night Raids In Afghanistan Are A Necessary Evil

The US and NATO use the tactic of conducting night raids in Afghanistan. These raids have the effect of crippling terror activities and are invaluable in this sense. They are annoying to innocent civilians which is a negative tradeoff.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Money Flows to Mexico Becoming Critical

Money Flows to Mexico Becoming Critical

Unfortunately the United States is allowing some 15 Billion dollars per month to leave our nation to Mexico as illegal aliens send their paychecks back to their families in Mexico.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Heading For a European Constitution (5)

Heading For a European Constitution (5)

... So, there seems to be a trend in which the number of independent Nations increases in the European territory. Will this trend influence the independence developments in Spain?

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Numbers Behind The Recovery

The Numbers Behind The Recovery

The predictions of economic recovery have so far been supported by a very limited and selective set of data. When information that is predictive or based on exceptional circumstances is stripped away few, if any, hard numbers remain.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Bilawal Bhutto Love Affair With Hina Rabbani Khar

Bilawal Bhutto Love Affair With Hina Rabbani Khar

Pakistani foreign minister Hina Rrabbani Khar and Pakistan People Party's chairman Bilawal Ali Bhutto Zardari are about to get married. according to report by a European secret agency.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Uses of Windmills

Uses of Windmills

Windmills have been around since the days of Ancient Persia, meaning original designs are more than 2,000 years old. Although most often associated with one or two uses, windmills have actually been used for a wide variety of roles over the years, all of which have made them important buildings in a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Health Care Reform Can Be Solved Permanently

Health Care Reform Can Be Solved Permanently

Health care reform can be solved permanently when people take more personal responsibility for their wellbeing. We need more self-care much more than we need more health care.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Opium Fields Patrols and Lost British Files

Opium Fields Patrols and Lost British Files

On Friday May 30 the BBC World showed a scandalous broadcast, featuring the British soldiers on their vigil roaming the vast and lush opium fields of Afghanistan. The report also showed grinning opium-harvesters and even demonstrated, though with apparent disgust, the technology of opium extraction.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Liberal Politics

Liberal Politics

Every heard of what they call projection, in Transactional Analysis, this is a condition, (an alleged mental one) where the victim suffers from a mental disorder, when they have this condition they will “project” their lives onto other people, if they are a liar, they will say that you a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Israel Needs New Rules of Engagement With Regard to Hezbollah

Israel Needs New Rules of Engagement With Regard to Hezbollah

With terrorists from Hezbollah having crossed Israel's border with Lebanon to kill and abduct Israeli soldiers, Israel needs to establish new rules of engagement for dealing with Hezbollah. Neither the UN nor the United States or Europe have addressed the issue of Hezbollah's continuing ro

Law & Legal & Attorney: Iran, $10 Gas And World War 3

Iran, $10 Gas And World War 3

Iran is obviously taking advantage of the toll that Iraq and Katrina have taken on the U.S.They are building a nuclear arsenal and there may be much worse implications than just higher gas prices.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Psychology Of A Suicide Bomber

Psychology Of A Suicide Bomber

"Warfare is politics being carried out by other means" Carl Gottfried von Clausewitz (1780 1831).

Law & Legal & Attorney: Governing The Planet

Governing The Planet

Just as humanity invented governments and governance at a tribal village level, expanding to larger states and finally to nation states, is it not time that we looked at world government to tackle specific issues? What form will these global governments take? Will we need to create new institutions

Law & Legal & Attorney: America Does Negotiate With Terrorists

America Does Negotiate With Terrorists

The United States has a well-known policy (in theory) of not negotiating with terrorists. Unfortunately, that policy often takes a back seat to the politically-correct leanings of liberal politicians seeking to leave a legacy of "peace."

Law & Legal & Attorney: Knowing Your "Friends"

Knowing Your "Friends"

Bono-Mack, Castle, Kirk, McHugh, Reichert, Smith, LoBiondo, Lance - names of Republicans who voted with the Democrats to pass the abomination called cap and trade. The sad thing about this is that we have come to expect the party of Barack Hussein Obama to sell out their countrymen in the quest of p

Law & Legal & Attorney: India Is No Longer a Poor or Emerging Nation

India Is No Longer a Poor or Emerging Nation

In one fell stroke with a few well-chosen and well-spoken words, Rahul Gandhi achieved for India what no other person in any developing country could even hope to achieve: He has eradicated poverty from India! The Crown Prince of the second most populous country in the world has declared: "Pove