Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Opium Fields Patrols and Lost British Files

On Friday May 30 the BBC World showed a scandalous live broadcast, featuring the British soldiers on their vigil roaming the vast and lush opium fields of Afghanistan.
The report also showed grinning opium-harvesters and even demonstrated, though with apparent disgust, the technology of opium extraction.
The commentator lamented the British contingent 'was just unable to do anything about the situation', because president Karzai of Afghanistan refused to destroy the opium crops...
For Goodness' sake, everyone in the world knows that Hamid Karzai is a NATO puppet! With the impressive rise in opium cultivation of 8,200 tons during NATO occupation, Afghanistan accounts for about 94 per cent of world production of opium.
There is an incessant flow of opium narcotics to Central Asia, Russia, Kazakhstan, China and a huge opium-related death toll there (in Russia - 100,000 people a year).
Isn't it obvious that this is no other but a geopolitical strategy, a new opium war? This has been confirmed by the contents of the recently lost and found British secret files, where funding drug smuggling was one of the prominent issues.
There were names of channels of cocaine and opium smugglers (alongside with the countries and channels of money-laundering).
I was really surprised and grateful that the BBC had courage to expose those facts.
The British government has hurried to disclaim the obvious fact, assuring that these documents were prepared for a conference on combating terrorism and drug trafficking.
Isn't it likely that it was just a clumsy last-minute excuse? I think it is time to strip away disguises and say it out loud.
NATO is procuring the opium poisoning of the above-named world regions.
The opium poison is also spreading to Europe, to Britain itself.
It's been rumored that Scotland has suffered most (which may be little surprise, if you come to think of it).
And the BBC and other news channels (if we are sure of their integrity) can become the mouth-piece of justice and truth by exposing and censuring this practice.
Destroying the opium crops of Afghanistan will be a great benefit to the world.
Their illegal spread can never be contained, and, honestly, NATO so far hasn't lifted a finger to do it.
These facts are so glaring, that it is high time to take action and put an end to 'legalized' drug trafficking.
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