Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Healthcare - Where Will it Take Us?

I agree that our health care system needs to be fixed.
In fact, I would support a system that is more simplified and one that is more cost effective than the one we have today.
Creating a system that is even more complicated than the one that exists today, and one that controls treatment possibilities, our privacy, and possibly our health over the long term, does not appear to be the right choice.
Although not yet enacted as law, it appears that the House and the Senate are going to pass a health care bill that will add yet another burdensome layer of heavy spending on a system already buckling under the weight of a huge deficit.
They already have gone on a 14 trillion dollar spending spree with no end in sight! Again although not yet enacted as law, there are in excess of one hundred new boards, commissions, offices and bureaus that already have been established to "handle" health care? Wait.
That is not all! In addition, under the guise of the Stimulus Bill -- and we all recognize how effective that has been -- these boards are charged with directing health care.
But wait.
There is more! In addition to directing health care, these boards have been established to oversee RATIONING AND ENFORCEMENT.
Once the new Health Care Bill is passed, the government obviously will have to create even more jobs to fill all the positions required to "police" the system let alone administer it.
The government claims that the new health care program will save money.
Given all of the fixed costs required to fund all of the new agencies, bureaus, departments that are in place, as well as those still to come, the savings will have to be phenomenal just to offset all of the incremental fixed costs for personnel and office space.
In addition, the government claims that the new health care program will cover an additional 36 million people.
But wait.
There is more! All illegal immigrants will be covered under the new plan.
Sort of sounds like an open invitation to travel to the US to take care of your health needs which may be a nice thing to offer, but appears as though it will only serve to add even more cost to the program.
Naturally, the burden for all of this will be on the shoulders of those that actually pay taxes in this country.
Just this week, a government task force concluded that most women do not need mammograms until they reach their 50's, and then, they only should get them every two years.
This finding totally contradicts the long-standing position of the of the American Cancer Society that women should have annual mammograms starting at 40 years of age as the benefits outweigh the risks.
So the question is whether the government finding is well founded on medical evidence, or whether it is a question of affordability under the health care system.
The 2009 deficit already is projected to reach an unprecedented level of about $1.
5 trillion.
Not only is that three times the level of the 2008 deficit, but programs planned by the federal government are projected to send the deficit soaring to $5 trillion by 2013, and apparently there is a lot more coming.
Some of the "experts" have estimated a growing deficit to the tune of something approaching 20 trillion dollars.
I do not know about you, but that sounds astronomical to me! Even more worrisome is the burden this will place upon our shoulders as well as those of future generations -- like our children and grandchildren.
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