Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Examples of Economic Indicators

    Gross Domestic Product

    • The GDP is the most important economic indicator.factory image by Zbigniew Nowak from

      Gross domestic product is the most important measure of the state of the economy, according to Investor Guide. The GDP, which is reported quarterly, differs from gross national product in that the GDP includes only goods and services produced within the geographical boundaries of the U.S., regardless of the producer’s nationality. The GNP includes U.S.-related production outside the country.

    Employment and Wages

    Productivity and Business

    • Productivity helps to determine the standard of living. An increase in productivity can result in higher real income and increased price stability, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The measurement of productivity allows economists to evaluate the relative efficiency of factory utilization. Congress provides statistics on industrial production, new construction, new private housing and vacancy rates, business sales and inventories and manufacturers’ shipments, inventories and orders.


    • Price indices point to the rate of inflation in a country’s economy. In a healthy economy, wages keep in step with prices. Price indices are used in developing economic policy to maintain wage and price stability, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    Exchange Rates, Interest and Money Supply

    • Currency exchange rates impact import-export activity and economic growth. Central banks set monetary policies, and can set changes in credit market conditions. The money supply and interest rates also are important economic factors. Congress measures money stock, bank credit, consumer credit, interest rates and stock prices and yields.

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