Law & Legal & Attorney: Should The Vincentians Re-elect Ralph Gonzalves?

Should The Vincentians Re-elect Ralph Gonzalves?

The people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines should think twice before casting their vote this time. They have gained nothing from the Ralph Gonsalves and ULP regime. Things should undergo a major change.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Women's Rights After the Emancipation Proclamation

Women's Rights After the Emancipation Proclamation

Although women's rights in the U.S. had progressed significantly before the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, feminist leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton put female equality to one side temporarily to help President Lincoln fight for the abolition of slavery. Mrs Stanton believed that equality for women wo

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Become a Whistle Blower

How to Become a Whistle Blower

Since the United States Government is promoting the whistle blower concept it is every citizens duty to report fraud and abuse of power in any branch of government. We must have an equal and level playing field.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Egypt, A Lesson in Chaos

Egypt, A Lesson in Chaos

Politics aside, the Egyptian people have captured the attention of the world. They have done something really unusual. They have united in one voice. Henry David Thoreau said "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them." That is not the case i

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Oprah's Support Of Obama Has To Do With Sandwiched Boomers

What Oprah's Support Of Obama Has To Do With Sandwiched Boomers

Oprahbama, the big O's, Oprah and the Obamas - sounds like a rock band on a road trip.As Oprah hit the campaign trail recently, her candidate played the celebrity card and the female fan base responded.When you need it, the value of support simply cannot be overestimated.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Average Australian Water Consumption

The Average Australian Water Consumption

Australia, like many other countries, is examining its consumption of drinkable water, both on an individual and a societal level. The OzH2o website notes that Australia's central government is adopting policies aimed at water conservation.

Law & Legal & Attorney: New Jersey Flag Facts

New Jersey Flag Facts

Like all state flags within the United States, New Jersey's state flag has a unique design. The New Jersey state flag can also claim to be amongst those whose color schemes were chosen by George Washington in 1780, in his role as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. It is also the only state

Law & Legal & Attorney: About the Clean Water Act

About the Clean Water Act

Having healthy water is important to any nation or community. This is why the United States government created the Clean Water Act, which details the federal laws concerning water pollution. Anything involving the U.S. nation's water, toxic chemicals that may come into contact with it and government

Law & Legal & Attorney: Farming Human Clones

Farming Human Clones

Can todays American Farmer survive if they harvest clones?

Law & Legal & Attorney: Types of Government in America

Types of Government in America

Three types of governments lead America.USA image by Allyson Ricketts from Fotolia.comThe United States of America is governed by representatives on the local, state and federal levels. The local levels make policy that has the most day-to-day effects on citizens, while the federal...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Federal Reserve Board And The Big Banks - Maybe Woodrow Wilson Was Right

The Federal Reserve Board And The Big Banks - Maybe Woodrow Wilson Was Right

This article reveiws the extensive and secret relationships that The Federal Reserve Board had with the world's largest banks during the recession, at one point lending the banks well over one trillion dollars without voter or Congressional oversight. The article wonders if Woodrow Wilson was r

Law & Legal & Attorney: Definition of Radical Feminists

Definition of Radical Feminists

Radical feminism is a movement that appeared in the late 1960s and sees the oppression of women in favor of men as the basis on which human relationships are organized in society. Radical feminists aim to improve the status of women by focusing on legislative reforms. Radical feminists accompanied t

Law & Legal & Attorney: Emergency School Aid Act

Emergency School Aid Act

In 1970, President Richard Nixon stated, "desegregation is vital to quality education--not only from the standpoint of raising the achievement levels of the disadvantaged, but also from the standpoint of helping all children achieve the broad based human understanding that increasingly is essential

Law & Legal & Attorney: Is President Obama Doing Everything He Can to Save the Economy?

Is President Obama Doing Everything He Can to Save the Economy?

While it may seem that President Obama is doing everything he can to save the economy, create more jobs, and put more strength into the world's hope for the future, both Democrats and Republicans on both sides of the aisle are getting nervous about the actions that President Obama has taken and

Law & Legal & Attorney: MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law

MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law

The Author of Moral Armor condemns the ruling of the Supreme Court and equates it with the CIA's role in Vietnam, claiming the same people intend to incite war in the United States.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Ethical Code of Conduct Followed By Texas Democrats

Ethical Code of Conduct Followed By Texas Democrats

Freedom never comes without its twin brother responsibility. They both travel together always and, if and when they separate, impending disaster is a very real threat. To quote Texas Democrat, Lt.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Greet an Orthodox Bishop

How to Greet an Orthodox Bishop

It is difficult to know what to do when being introduced to a clergyman from a tradition not your own. Is it "Father," "Doctor," "Reverend" or "Pastor"? Do you throw out a hearty handshake and embrace as brothers, or is touching of any kind not allowed? You stand back and watch others. You hope not