Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Should The Vincentians Re-elect Ralph Gonzalves?

With the Election Day knocking at the doors, the residents of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines should all look back and the regime of Ralph Gonsalves and evaluate it carefully. In a democratic country it is the right of every responsible citizen to elect a government that can run the country in a hassle-free way, something which Unity Labour Party (ULP) has failed to do in its nine year regime. So, it is time for all the Vincentians to think whether it is right to re-elect Ralph Gonsalves and his party when they have so miserably failed to live up to the expectation of the residents of the country.

Let us take a quick look at some of the points where the ULP government has proven itself to be a big loser. To make the things clearer for you we have listed the points under different heads.


After the banana production in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has gone down, the country has got a major blow on its agrarian economy; the ULP government has failed considerably to boost the production of any other crops. Though the government has made an attempt to boost the tourism industry, they have failed to bring any significant amount a significant amount of revenue from the industry.

Control Crime:

The drop in banana production has given rise to the production of marijuana in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and so far the government has not taken any bold step to control this situation. The entire country is now infested with a number of drug lords but the ULP government is yet to take any action against them. By the by, the government has also released a well known drug lord early from the prisons. Now that obviously does not uphold a good picture of law and order in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Over the regime of Ralph Gonsalves, the country has experienced a number of murders, rapes and a number of other heinous crimes. According to the UN reports the country has one of the highest crime rates. Under such circumstances we cannot help but to declare Dr. Ralph Golsalves and his party as inefficient.

Behavior towards the countrymen:

The person who holds the Prime Ministers office in any country should be polite, reasonable, well behaved and he or she should have a respect for the law and order in the country, right? However, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, the honourable Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is just opposite to these qualities. He is rude and has a deep disregard to the women and the law and order of the country. That is why he often finds himself in the middle finger controversy, insulting the countrymen and sexual assault charges. If Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has such a person running the office of the Prime Minister then it is very harmful for the image of the country in the International arena.

So, the Vincentians need to keep all these things in mind before casting their vote on the Election Day! Think deep, and act wise!

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