"In life you need either desperation or inspiration.
" -Tony Robbins When the hubby called from the car repair shop to say he was watching Egypt rioting in the streets on TV, I tuned into CNN.
is desperate for change.
Politics aside, the Egyptian people have captured the attention of the world.
They have done something really unusual.
They have united in one voice.
Henry David Thoreau said "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.
" That is not the case in Egypt.
In London supporters of the Egyptian uprising made their voices heard near the countries embassy.
A sign held up by a young man read: "Riot like an Egyptian.
" (The youth of London get it.
College students and others recently protested the raising of taxes on college student tuition.
They actually pushed back the mounted police by walking toward them instead of dispersing.
The outnumbered police were forced to back off.
) Perhaps we could take a lesson.
A Cairo resident said, "Beware the anger of the patient".
After thirty years of dictatorship under the one corrupt and tyrannical leader, the people are speaking up for freedom, in hopes of a better future for their children in spite of discomfort, high risk and opposition.
Creation often involves risk and discomfort.
Ask any great inventor, actor, poet or statesman.
I have always said that chaos gets a bad rap and peace can be often over rated.
Chaos is the engine of change --on individual, national and universal levels.
Many of my clients are facing life-altering challenges in a rapidly evolving world such as bankruptcy, chronic or unexpected illness, serious financial losses, lack of medical care, unemployment, and depression.
The question of survival is the underlying theme and often a genuine concern.
We must find a way to become balanced while being unbalanced and uncomfortable and still not be thrown off by the imbalance.
No matter how unbalanced we become, no matter what the circumstances, or how unsteady we feel we can still live with purpose and continue to grow by making powerful new choices.
(Off Balance on Purpose, by Rev Kylie Renner in Truly Alive Jan-Feb) The idea that order emerges from disorder is a mind bending, counter intuitive and troubling idea to many.
How does one remain at peace within when the circumstances around us are not peaceful? What can we do when external environment currently does not match our dreams? Why does one change after another continue to present itself to us- just as we overcome one, here comes another new, uncomfortable challenge? Many times the higher self or the soul creates seemingly tragic things (like the shooting in Tucson, for example).
The human part of us simply cannot grasp the wisdom in it at the time of the event, yet there is a higher wisdom present.
Chaos: It is here to stay, at least for the time being, and it serves a purpose.
We are here during an earth cycle of change meant to create a huge jump into the unknown territory of an emerging age of understanding.
We are striving to assume our place in a greater universal community.
It is no longer important to fuss over our bodies, to be entertained all the time, and to remain in comfort.
It is important that we wake up.
Many spiritual teachers and self-proclaimed gurus have created large followings (and equally large incomes) by telling us that all we have to do is live in the emotional heart space, wear a crystal, do the best we can and pray for the healing of the earth.
This approach leads us to believe we can avoid deep changes and challenges by simply looking at the 'positive' turning away from the 'negative' while waiting for the Golden Age.
What about the heart? We all know from experience that human feelings can be deceptive, overwhelming or quite misleading at times.
The inner voice and human emotion are often in conflict.
It is best to recognize the difference.
Chaos, challenge, and confrontation, when viewed from the right perspective are not only necessary to life but are intrinsically part of human development.
It is not possible to heal what you do not confront.
Here are a few suggestions that will help you in navigating the rising tide of change that surrounds us: Let nothing, and I mean nothing, get between you and Source.
The ability to meditate, to maintain focus in the midst of emotional upheaval, emergency or anxiety is critical.
I personally have experienced the 'miracle' of stepping out of myself, disengaging from the emotion of fear or dread, into objective, clear focus in problem solving.
This is a powerful 'miracle' that everyone should experience! Don't let the simplicity of the concept fool you.
Realize that disorder, chaos, change, revolt are a necessary part of life - when the time is right for it- these growth patterns line the pathway of all great change in society, families, relationships.
It is present in nature's seamless beautiful rhythms.
Take the time to speak with and to each other.
Gurus, holy robes, talismans, crystals, and other so-called spiritual thing-a-ma-jigs belong to the past.
The future is about choice, freedom and healthy alliances with each other.
These alliances, which are now forming, are a glimpse toward future communities where balance, individual choice, equality and self-governing are established.
Many of us are beginning to leave the herd of mainstream society in search of a new watering hole! I offer you, in closing my Three Principles to guide you: Question outer authority.
Rely on inner wisdom.
Think independently.
Anticipate change.
It will serve you well if you go with the flow of it.
Know above all else that you are loved.
" -Tony Robbins When the hubby called from the car repair shop to say he was watching Egypt rioting in the streets on TV, I tuned into CNN.
is desperate for change.
Politics aside, the Egyptian people have captured the attention of the world.
They have done something really unusual.
They have united in one voice.
Henry David Thoreau said "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.
" That is not the case in Egypt.
In London supporters of the Egyptian uprising made their voices heard near the countries embassy.
A sign held up by a young man read: "Riot like an Egyptian.
" (The youth of London get it.
College students and others recently protested the raising of taxes on college student tuition.
They actually pushed back the mounted police by walking toward them instead of dispersing.
The outnumbered police were forced to back off.
) Perhaps we could take a lesson.
A Cairo resident said, "Beware the anger of the patient".
After thirty years of dictatorship under the one corrupt and tyrannical leader, the people are speaking up for freedom, in hopes of a better future for their children in spite of discomfort, high risk and opposition.
Creation often involves risk and discomfort.
Ask any great inventor, actor, poet or statesman.
I have always said that chaos gets a bad rap and peace can be often over rated.
Chaos is the engine of change --on individual, national and universal levels.
Many of my clients are facing life-altering challenges in a rapidly evolving world such as bankruptcy, chronic or unexpected illness, serious financial losses, lack of medical care, unemployment, and depression.
The question of survival is the underlying theme and often a genuine concern.
We must find a way to become balanced while being unbalanced and uncomfortable and still not be thrown off by the imbalance.
No matter how unbalanced we become, no matter what the circumstances, or how unsteady we feel we can still live with purpose and continue to grow by making powerful new choices.
(Off Balance on Purpose, by Rev Kylie Renner in Truly Alive Jan-Feb) The idea that order emerges from disorder is a mind bending, counter intuitive and troubling idea to many.
How does one remain at peace within when the circumstances around us are not peaceful? What can we do when external environment currently does not match our dreams? Why does one change after another continue to present itself to us- just as we overcome one, here comes another new, uncomfortable challenge? Many times the higher self or the soul creates seemingly tragic things (like the shooting in Tucson, for example).
The human part of us simply cannot grasp the wisdom in it at the time of the event, yet there is a higher wisdom present.
Chaos: It is here to stay, at least for the time being, and it serves a purpose.
We are here during an earth cycle of change meant to create a huge jump into the unknown territory of an emerging age of understanding.
We are striving to assume our place in a greater universal community.
It is no longer important to fuss over our bodies, to be entertained all the time, and to remain in comfort.
It is important that we wake up.
Many spiritual teachers and self-proclaimed gurus have created large followings (and equally large incomes) by telling us that all we have to do is live in the emotional heart space, wear a crystal, do the best we can and pray for the healing of the earth.
This approach leads us to believe we can avoid deep changes and challenges by simply looking at the 'positive' turning away from the 'negative' while waiting for the Golden Age.
What about the heart? We all know from experience that human feelings can be deceptive, overwhelming or quite misleading at times.
The inner voice and human emotion are often in conflict.
It is best to recognize the difference.
Chaos, challenge, and confrontation, when viewed from the right perspective are not only necessary to life but are intrinsically part of human development.
It is not possible to heal what you do not confront.
Here are a few suggestions that will help you in navigating the rising tide of change that surrounds us: Let nothing, and I mean nothing, get between you and Source.
The ability to meditate, to maintain focus in the midst of emotional upheaval, emergency or anxiety is critical.
I personally have experienced the 'miracle' of stepping out of myself, disengaging from the emotion of fear or dread, into objective, clear focus in problem solving.
This is a powerful 'miracle' that everyone should experience! Don't let the simplicity of the concept fool you.
Realize that disorder, chaos, change, revolt are a necessary part of life - when the time is right for it- these growth patterns line the pathway of all great change in society, families, relationships.
It is present in nature's seamless beautiful rhythms.
Take the time to speak with and to each other.
Gurus, holy robes, talismans, crystals, and other so-called spiritual thing-a-ma-jigs belong to the past.
The future is about choice, freedom and healthy alliances with each other.
These alliances, which are now forming, are a glimpse toward future communities where balance, individual choice, equality and self-governing are established.
Many of us are beginning to leave the herd of mainstream society in search of a new watering hole! I offer you, in closing my Three Principles to guide you: Question outer authority.
Rely on inner wisdom.
Think independently.
Anticipate change.
It will serve you well if you go with the flow of it.
Know above all else that you are loved.