Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

How To Make Your Own "Save the Date" Cards Online

    • 1). Open your Internet browser and navigate to a site such as "," "" or "" All three of these sites allows you to create save the date cards online.

    • 2). Select the "Save the Date" option (as most of the sites allow you to print different kinds of cards also), then select the style of card you want.

    • 3). Type in your event information in the provided edit window (these sites allow you to input information ranging from what kind of party it is to what to bring and when it is). Save the date cards are just used to inform individuals of the party, so you only really need to include who is having the party and the date (if you have a location locked into place at the time include this information also).

    • 4). Select how many cards you want and adjust any of the features of the card, such as the color of the text, size and location of the font. Although these cards often cost a few dollars each, it is a good idea to purchase a few extras, just in case some are damaged while packaging and mailing the cards out.

    • 5). Enter your shipping and payment information. Select "Submit" to process your order. You will receive an email receipt informing you of your purchase.

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