Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Mark Cella Fdrs" Pearl Harbor

FDRS' Mark Cella Pearl Harbor Truth. A Couple Pearl Harbor Videos. Discover How Roosevelt Was a Traitor Who Set Up 2400 People to Die in Order to Save Communism and Make His Banking Puppeteers Huge Profits.

Here you'll discover two Pearl Harbor videos that expose the fact that the attack was allowed to happen by U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and his cronies.

Understand that Roosevelt was merely a puppet for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

'For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the USA. But he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political 'ammunition,' as it were, was carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money Group.'

- Curtis Dall, ex-President Franklin Roosevelt's son-in-law

The Council on Foreign Relations conspiracy still rages today as we're brought closer to a totalitarian Global Community (New World Order).

'Roosevelt was himself a protypic Wall Streeter. His family had been involved in...

New York banking since the eighteenth century. His uncle, Frederic Delano, was on the original Federal Reserve Board.'

James Perloff

'The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves.... It was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were the aggressors.'

Secretary of War Henry Stimson


While we agree with O'Connor's talk on Roosevelt and his ties to Communism, we must all be careful not to link all New World Order activities back to the Jews only. Much of this was perpetrated through the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. There's still great debate over this book. Our view is that the content is an accurate betrayal those seeking New World Order, but that it was later altered to put the blame over on the Jews.


In the following link, you'll find a video called, 'FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy'. It offers people arguing that FDR knew of and planned the attack on Pearl Harbor and some trying to debunk that idea. Take a look at the so-called 'de-bunkers'. You'll find that one (David Kennedy) was educated at universities such as Yale.

Yes, the same school that produces Yale's Skull and Bones, which feeds into the CFR Shadow Government, which feeds into the One World Government plan.

You'll find one (David Kahn) that's worked as a scholar in residence at the National Security Agency (NSA). Yes, the same NSA that's brought us the ECHELON Advanced Surveillance System to spy on you with.

Do you want to listen to people educated and taught by the same New World Order guys looking to enslave you? It's always a good idea to research where the so-called 'experts' have been 'educated'.


Americans need to clearly understand how international bankers and industrialists have a plan for New World Order, whether the average person believes it or not. The destruction of American sovereignty must be placed at the forefront of all people's minds. It's time to stop watching as the elite continues to fool most people.

Allow us to bring in the words of John Adams.

'All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.'

Yes, the ability for the unconstitutional rouge government to rule goes directly to the fact that the American people don't understand the Federal Reserve and our so-called 'money'.

The good news is that once you understand that the elite funds New World Order activities through illegal taxation and fraudulent debt creation, you can then begin to see how they can be defeated. By blindly buying into federal taxes and a mountain of debt, Americans are unwittingly funding the elite and their totalitarian plans.

It doesn't have to be this way. If the people are educated on the fraud, the fraud falls apart.

We're exposing the fraud of Federal Reserve banking history and its resultant money creation scheme that allows the banking elite to steal from the American public the funds needed to bring their Global Community into reality.

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