Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Homosexual Asks Christian Candidate - Do You Support Gay Rights?

One interesting thing about watch the Presidential Debates is that special interest groups do not waste any time in getting to the meat of the debate.
Recently a Christian Candidate was asked point blank; Do You Support Gay Rights? The gentleman asking the question was a homosexual and stated that right off the bat, he also indicated to the crowd that this is not a trick question, and that he would like a Yes or No answer please.
Instead, the Christian Candidate stated;
I support rights for all citizens of our Great Republic
He said it and he meant it, you could see the determination in his eyes and his strong conviction for We The People.
The gentleman asking the question was not really satisfied with the answer, but his turn was up and the next person already had the microphone and began making a "Statement-Question" about Universal Health Care.
Why didn't the Christian Candidate answer the question? Well, as he explained it later, he supported gay rights and free speech, but he did not support "Gay Marriage" and further reiterated that neither do 65% of the people in the United States.
So, why doesn't the Christian Candidate support Gay Marriage? Because, as it has been previously debated, the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman and the union of an unnatural and biologically correct marriage is not what our Constitution states or anything similar to what our Founding Fathers had in mind.
If the government or courts decided to make an additional category of something similar to a marriage for gay couples, although he disapproved, he said he would then support it.
The Gay Contingency at the debate, was upset, but said his answer was better than most of the other candidates on the Republican Ticket.
Personally, I believe that some day there will be a sub-law pertaining to civil unions of gay couples, but calling it a marriage is quite problematic and takes away from what normal heterosexual couples have, and that is not fair to them.
Additionally, I have watched LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite) groups, work hard from inside government to get laws changed, rather than through the voting process, this is challenging because they are going around the normal way that laws are made and circumventing the process.
No one special interest group should be allowed to do this, that is not how our government is set up.
Such tactics show a total disregard for heterosexual married couples.
If one groups shows a complete disregard for the whole of our society and civilization, then how can they ask all of us to take them seriously with their demands.
Vote NO on gay marriage.
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