Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Note To The Political Class - While You Were On A Five Week Vacation And Campaigning For Reelection

Notes To The American Political Class:

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...the United States of American lost its top debt credit rating for the first time in many, many decades as a result of your reckless and wasteful spending over those same decades.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...two and a half dozen of our brave armed forces died in a war that you have allowed to linger on for far too long with a strategy that is far too vague to be successful.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...the British Prime Minister had enough guts to recall Parliament back to work off of its summer vacation to address the widening violence and riots besetting that country.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...14 million Americans continued to be unemployed, almost 20 million Americans continued to be unemployed or underemployed and 400,000 Americans filed first time unemployment benefits again last week.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...the stock market suffered continuous daily falls of significant magnitude, wiping out Americans' savings and investments.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...American kids got ready to go back to school at the same public schools that failed many of them last year

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...the Federal government likely spent more than $150 billion that it did not collect in taxes and fees, adding to the national debt.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...Syria continued to butcher its own civilians by the dozens, if not hundreds.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection... the nation continued to import more energy sources than it could produce domestically because the country still lacks a strategic and coherent national energy policy.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...Europe continued to stagger from a financial markets perspective, with Italy fast becoming the latest Euro nation to destabilize the currency and add to the world's bad financial condition.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...a new Zogby poll estimated that more than two thirds of Americans now believe the jobs lost in the recession are unlikely to ever return to the nation, an estimate that is about 4.5% higher than when the same question was asked last year.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...the stalemate in the Libyan fighting continued as did the probable expense to the American taxpayer for this illegal and undeclared military effort.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...the drug cartel violence continued unabated in Mexico, aided to a large degree by the illegal gun running operation executed by the U.S. Federal government, which has failed miserably, has probably resulted in the killing of innocent people, and for which no one in the government has been held accountable.

While you were out on your five week paid vacation and fund raising for your reelection...Social Security and Medicare continued their headlong rush into insolvency with no credible plans available to stop pending these financial disasters.

After you return from your five week paid vacation and campaign fund raising, please let us know when you will be answering the above calls. We do believe that there is a little urgency to these matters, even if you do not find them as important than your five week paid vacation and campaign fund raising.

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