Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Inequality Debate Is Laughable - Here Is Why

We sure hear a lot of hype about "inequality" and many people are buying into it and wanting to play victim, but beware of that because once you start you might not be able to get out of that loop.
Such is the plight of the poor.
But what is inequality really? That's hard to say because it is bantered around so much who knows.
Let's talk a little bit about some of the basic economic fallacies of the stated problem and how all the proposed solutions only make the divide between rich and poor worse.
There was an interesting piece in the New York Times on November 17, 2014 titled; "Inequality, Unbelievably, Gets Worse," by Stephen Rattner.
But just looking at that title, it baffles me, why is this 'unbelievable' because it makes perfect sense considering the money flows in our nation and the rest of the larger economies of the world.
The article stated: "The Democrats drubbing in the midterm elections was unfortunate on many levels, but particularly because the prospect of addressing income inequality grows dimmer, even as the problem worsens.
To only modest notice, during the campaign the Federal Reserve put forth more sobering news about income inequality: Inflation-adjusted earnings of the bottom 90 percent of Americans fell between 2010 and 2013, with those near the bottom dropping the most.
Meanwhile, incomes in the top decile rose.
" Oh for heaven's sake, when you give away or print money the investment class will have it in less than 3-transactions.
Who is causing this? The leftists and the money printers are the same people complaining about it.
What nonsense.
Now to fix this they want to tax the investment class and give it back to the masses to exacerbate the endless cycle of a contrived economy.
What a joke.
Yes, and it gets worse doesn't it? Now we are told that 'Inequality' is caused by Global Warming and will increase as temperatures rise, how so.
Well they cite challenges with resources and billions of people left without food.
That's ridiculous because more CO2 causes more plant growth and bigger crop yields.
But they say water will become scarce due to the lessened rainfall, but hotter ocean surface temps cause more clouds and more rain, more Hurricane weather bringing more rain and storm energy inland.
So you actually get more rain not less.
Gee whiz, more rain = more water and more CO2 = greater crop yields.
Sounds like the poor will have abundant gardens in their backyards, what's the problem.
More crop yield means more supply for the same demand, which means lower prices - it's your basic Economics 101 in case you missed it, cheated on the tests, or ditched that college course? Concepts of inequality should never drive the political agenda, because quite frankly government isn't going to be able to solve a problem it is busy creating.
Sincerely, Lance
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