Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Using Radio Successfully in Political Elections

Each morning most Americans who are likely to vote in this election will listen to a radio station.
It may be for a moment as the radio alarm signals it is time to rise.
It may be on the drive to work, it may be in the shower, but realize a radio is involved in the daily life of the voting population.
Would you purchase yard signs and place them in the back yards of your supporters? I often wonder why candidates would purchase ten commercials the day before Election Day and allow them to air in such a manner, that few hear the message.
Having spent over twenty years in the radio and political industry, I have seen it all.
I am often asked how much radio should be budgeted in a campaign.
Here is the short answer.
Purchase enough commercial units to make an impact.
A few radio commercials here and there are a total waste of money.
You would better serve yourself buying a bigger cake for the victory party.
Radio is not a vehicle to use as an after thought.
Radio is very effective.
Ask your likely voters when they last listened to radio.
I will be surprised if the answer is anything other than "Today".
A big misnomer is that overnight commercials are not effective.
In most areas, over twenty-five percent of the population is at work on the third shift.
Radio stations will often sell these midnight to 6:00 AM time periods for a few dollars.
You want to purchase the entire day when you make your radio buy.
Another reason for purchasing overnight commercials is insomnia.
In most markets that offer talk radio, you will want to purchase this station.
Many insomniacs listen to talk radio.
The Arbitron© surveys do not adequately calculate these hours of the day.
You want the third shift to hear your commercials.
Buy one station properly, rather than a few stations inadequately.
To succeed in motivating voters to find time to visit the polls on Election Day and importantly vote for your candidate, you need to purchase an adequate schedule.
I suggest thirty- second commercials, as they cost less and accomplish more.
If your station offers the same price for thirty or sixty second commercials, do request the sixty second commercials.
If you can only afford limited radio advertising, place a commercial each hour, preferably twice an hour on the day before Election Day.
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