- Primarily, the duty of a confirmation sponsor is to inspire the sacrament's recipient to lead a life of holiness. Although there are many forms of inspirations, leading by example is usually the form of inspiration churches suggest, for it not only inspires the newly confirmed to holiness but also shows them how to attain it by simply imitating their confirmation sponsors. Although a sponsor need not live a saintly life, his attempts to attain holiness should be genuine and sincere.
- It is not uncommon for someone preparing for confirmation to be spiritually uneducated and unprepared. Therefore, it is the confirmation sponsor's responsibility to ensure that the future recipient fully understands the sacrament's implications, and to fully prepare the recipient as well. Education can be achieved through the church's catechism, while preparation is usually done through conversations that probe and lead the recipient to an understanding of why she wants to be confirmed. If the recipient is Catholic or Orthodox, the sacrament of Reconciliation may also be an excellent way of preparing for Confirmation.
- Most churches recognize the necessity of the confirmation sponsor to pray especially hard for the sacrament's recipient, as well as for themselves as a sponsor. Prayer, according to most churches, is an effective way of gently bestowing spiritual graces upon the recipient, helping her to prepare for the sacrament properly, as well as helping both of you to lead a more holy life.
- Another important part of being a confirmation sponsor is to be physically present, especially for the administration of the sacrament itself. By being around the recipient, the sponsor can better influence and inspire her. If this is not possible, emails, letters and phone calls are other valuable ways of being present in the recipient's life.
Leading by Example
Help in the Preparation