Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Should We Have A Military Draft?

We have had an all volunteer military for some years now and it has worked very well. Some are proponents of this system but I favor the military draft for various reasons.

The first reason that I favor the draft is that we all enjoy the benefits of living in this country so we should all have to shoulder the burden of defending it. No one wants war but it is just a necessary part of being in a country. There will always be wars. Thats just the way it is whether we like it or not. Every male citizen should have to serve if necessary. Serving in the military should be a debt which is distributed equally among the citizens of this country regardless of race, religion, or social status, which is not the case in a volunteer army. Those who volunteer for military service seem to be those who need the military for survival or those who are enthralled with the idea of service

I believe that the draft would be an excellent tool for meeting shortfalls in required manpower. This would save our military millions of dollars which have are spent on recruiting and make it possible to use recruiting command personnel to fill other shortfalls. It would also save countless millions in bonuses that the military pays in order to get people to take some of the harder or dirtier jobs.

The all volunteer force is skewed towards having a large number of minorities, and troops from the Southeastern US because these are the people who need the benefits of military service to help them get started career wise. The draft would eliminate this by requiring more citizens from the upper classes of society to join the military thus rounding our armed forces out to give a more accurate representation of our society. All should have to serve, not just those who are on the lower rungs of the social ladder.

The draft would force some people which have necessary skills to use them for the benefit of our armed forces. The military needs draftsmen, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals as well as the civilian sector. If they could be drafted to serve it would save millions of training dollars needed to teach these skills to inexperienced troops when they enter the armed services.

The current military situation has dictated that many of our volunteers serve several extended combat tours. This is a job which should be shared by all. I personally know troops which have been to the Middle East several times for up to eighteen months. A draft would even out the score so that the few wouldnt have to shoulder the burden as they have been doing.

They draft might possibly help to take some of the young thugs off the streets and help to lower our prison population. The armed service is a good source of discipline which some of our young people so desperately need. The rigors of military life will definitely force the young and irresponsible man to mature and become a productive part of society. The teamwork and responsibility which the military lifestyle stresses are the opposite of the values which the streets demand.
The draft works in many countries and it can certainly work if it were instituted in the United States. I dont think that it will ever be reinstituted but if it were it might pay off with dividends. Military Ring Express

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