Law & Legal & Attorney: Divorce Retirement Questions in Michigan

Divorce Retirement Questions in Michigan

Divorcing spouses may receive a percentage of their ex's retirement benefits.One Dollar - variations of Crumpled dollar image by PaulPaladin from Fotolia.comMichigan residents going through divorce proceedings must determine who will receive various marital assets. They may also lose...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Roll Sleeves in the Marine Corps Style

How to Roll Sleeves in the Marine Corps Style

The Marine Corps has a strict uniform code, carefully outlining when different uniforms should be worn and how they should look. The basic uniform is worn daily and not on special occasions. The way it is worn changes with daylight savings time. When daylight savings time is observed, Marines must r

Law & Legal & Attorney: Best Marine Corps Boot Camp Tips

Best Marine Corps Boot Camp Tips

I'm glad that you have decided to look into some powerful Marine Corps boot camp tips. This is a good sign because it means that you're dedicated to ensuring that you will survive boot camp and that you will become a full-fledged Marine. Here are the powerful tips that I have researched fo

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Make a Faux Castle

How to Make a Faux Castle

An imitation of a castle can be constructed using materials that can be found around the house. A faux castle can be used as part of the landscape for a pet that lives in a tank or as a project for school. A faux castle can be as historically accurate as the designer desires. Medieval details such a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Flood and Coastal Defense Project

Flood and Coastal Defense Project

According to the Department of Business Innovation & Skills website, the Flood and Coastal Defense Project is a project designed by the United Kingdom government to have a long term strategy for flood and coastal defenses throughout the U.K.

Law & Legal & Attorney: War in Iraq - A Thought to Ponder

War in Iraq - A Thought to Ponder

It was nearly two years after the Hussein regime was toppled and major combat operations ended but still, U.S. and coalition troops are still fighting an Iraqi insurgency.As of January 7, 2008, there have been 4,210 coalition deaths in the war in Iraq.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Veterans Administration's War on Soldiers

The Veterans Administration's War on Soldiers

I've always had a sense of guilt for not have serving in the military. It had nothing to do with not wanting to serve, or avoiding the draft by running to Canada, or hiding in college to stay out of Vietnam, I just wasn't drafted and never got around to enlisting.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Regularatory Requirements for Life Raft Capacity

Regularatory Requirements for Life Raft Capacity

A hard case, float-free life raft raft image by circotasu from Fotolia.comRegulatory requirements for approved life raft capacity vary greatly depending on the vessel in question. Recreational boats aren't required to carry approved life rafts. However, many recreational...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Airsoft

The History of Airsoft

Airsoft, the name of the popular "toy" guns that are used in firearms training and play with almost the same regularity, has spawned quite a following. Originally created in Japan, airsoft guns have spread across the world, and are now popularly used in a variety of activities where real weapons are

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Did World War 2 Occur?

Why Did World War 2 Occur?

Everybody knows that World War II began once on 01 September 1939, the German Army crossed The Polish border and attacked Poland. Subsequent to the guarantees given by the UK and France to Poland, they declared war on Germany. This is the physical aspect of the war, but in reality the seeds of the S

Law & Legal & Attorney: Irish Republican Army History

Irish Republican Army History

The Irish Republican Army arose out the Irish revolt against British occupation in 1916. During the height of its activities, it was considered a dangerous terrorist organization, and even today it remains a source of controversy in both Ireland and Britain. Some maintain that its efforts helped cem

Law & Legal & Attorney: Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

This is not about the 1997 American action thriller starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. This conspiracy theory is about the recent Army Chief and Government faceoff that has silenced India with awe and disbelief. Disbelief because, the people of this nation who are already reeling under the corru

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is Was Like to Be Working in the Admin Office on a Navy Warship Out to Sea

What Is Was Like to Be Working in the Admin Office on a Navy Warship Out to Sea

Working in the admin office, on the destroyer, was easy and fun. Some of my jobs, were, typing up officer and enlisted evaluations, typing up travel orders and documents for travel, and mostly typing for the CO and XO, all the paper work, they can generate. They generate a ton of paperwork for signa

Law & Legal & Attorney: Could the US Defense Industry or Industrial Military Complex Exist Without Wars?

Could the US Defense Industry or Industrial Military Complex Exist Without Wars?

There are some folks who believe that the United States goes out of its way to start wars, but is that really a fair assessment? No, not really, still it's not to say that a rogue nation-state despot or dictator should go out of their way to provoke us either. Not long ago, I was discussing thi

Law & Legal & Attorney: How the Victoria Cross Was Won by Lt Gonville Bromhead in the Zulu War

How the Victoria Cross Was Won by Lt Gonville Bromhead in the Zulu War

If you have seen the film "ZULU" Michael Caine portrayed the part of Gonville Bromhead in the defense of Rorkes Drift. The battle at Rorke's Drift, during the afternoon of 22nd January 1879, is among the most famous in the history of the British Army.The battle began at 4:30 PM and co

Law & Legal & Attorney: Foods Eaten on the Frontier

Foods Eaten on the Frontier

Eating on the frontier during the period of American westward expansion was often a difficult affair. Those making the journey west had no wood-burning stoves to use and no gardens. Even upon reaching their frontier destination, they would have to hunt, fish, garden and raise livestock to support

Law & Legal & Attorney: Responsibilities of the Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars

Responsibilities of the Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars

The VFW aims to honor and serve American military veterans.US flag image by Eishier from Fotolia.comVeterans of Foreign Wars is a service organization that aims to honor deceased American military veterans by providing services and support to living veterans, serving the community and...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Ask for Donations at a Veterans Dinner

How to Ask for Donations at a Veterans Dinner

Set up a low-cost spaghetti dinner, pancake dinner or pot luck dinner to raise money for any organization. Find sponsors to donate the food and utensils; then, charge a small fee for the dinner as a cost-effective means to raise additional money. Sell advance tickets and charge at the door to a vete