Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Identify American Civil War Swords & Sabers

How to Identify American Civil War Swords & Sabers

For Civil War enthusiasts, collecting and identifying relics from this conflict can be one of the most satisfying of all professional hobbies. Edged weapon designs of this period exhibit the most modern and up-to-date features that existed before swords and sabers became completely obsolete. Not onl

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Invention of Peanut Butter

The Invention of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter, invented more than a century ago in the Midwest, has gone through a number of changes in its 120 year history. Despite such changes, the product now earns more than 800 million dollars of the U.S. food market annually.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Top Four FAQ's About United States Law Enforcement Agencies

The Top Four FAQ's About United States Law Enforcement Agencies

All Special Forces teams, agencies, officers, and other law enforcement personnel comprise the United States law enforcement landscape, and are divided into three broad categories: local, state, and federal. Each has their own jurisdictions and responsibilities in American society, but all of them h

Law & Legal & Attorney: Etiquette Rules for Addressing Retired Military

Etiquette Rules for Addressing Retired Military

Whenever addressing another person, using manners and respect is never out of fashion. Regardless of your personal views on the military, the men and women who chose to serve their country did so to preserve your right to have your views. In most instances and circumstances of life, a formal addres

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Fleet Air Arm Memorial Church Brief History

The Fleet Air Arm Memorial Church Brief History

The Royal Navy (Fleet Air Arm at Yeovilton) has enjoyed a close friendship with the parish church of St. Bartholomew since 1940 with the commissioning of RNAS Yeovilton (HMS Heron). During 1940-42 fifteen victims of air accidents were buried in the churchyard before the opening of the Naval Cemetery

Law & Legal & Attorney: Railroad Construction in the Decades After the Civil War

Railroad Construction in the Decades After the Civil War

Railroad construction, stunted during the Civil War, picked up steam in the decades following the conflict, particularly in the areas west of Mississippi. Between 1866 and 1873 state legislatures, with the help of federal funding, passed more than 800 statutes to encourage railroad construction. It

Law & Legal & Attorney: French Resistance Fighters in World War II

French Resistance Fighters in World War II

Following World War II, Dwight Eisenhower stated that, "throughout France, the Resistance had been of inestimable value in the campaign." In 1940, after the French military collapsed in the face of German opposition, a different kind of conflict evolved. It would be a war of covert activities and sa

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Need For The Navy Reserve To Mobilize Sailors

The Need For The Navy Reserve To Mobilize Sailors

This article is about the politics and need for the Navy Reserve to mobilize sailors in the near future.The Navy Reserve expects to mobilize sailors in the near future, according to briefing documents obtained by Navy Times and confirmed by Vice Adm. John G. Cotton, chief of the Navy Reserve. That f

Law & Legal & Attorney: Military Leave Act

Military Leave Act

The military leave act has undergone several name and content changes over the past 70 years. The purpose of the act is to protect the employment positions of persons called to serve in the U.S. military. The newest version of the law, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of

Law & Legal & Attorney: Injured Vets Left Hanging Without Review Board

Injured Vets Left Hanging Without Review Board

Unless you are a United States veteran, you might be surprised at how challenging it is for wounded and injured veterans to get their due retirement benefits and government health care. There are thousands of cases of injured and wounded vets left hanging without government health care or retirement

Law & Legal & Attorney: Your Arrival to Basic Training Reception Battalion

Your Arrival to Basic Training Reception Battalion

Many future soldiers make the mistake that as soon as they arrive to basic training that they will get into the action of blowing up stuff, shooting and doing missions as what they have seen on hollywood movies such as Full Metal Jacket. We'll it doesn't exactly happen like that. In this a

Law & Legal & Attorney: List of Filipino Inventors

List of Filipino Inventors

Filipino inventors contributed to the development of science in the 20th century.philippines flag button image by Andrey Zyk from Fotolia.comThe Philippines is an Asian archipelago, originally colonized by the Spanish and named after King Philip II of Spain. Following the Spanish-American...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Tag & Title Restrictions in South Carolina

Tag & Title Restrictions in South Carolina

In South Carolina, drivers are required to follow a specific set of rules regarding tags and titles for vehicles in the state. Among those rules are certain restrictions as to how titles and tags can be obtained and transferred. These restrictions are put in place to ensure that only safe, legal veh

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Celebration to Remember Forever

A Celebration to Remember Forever

The story tells about a great celebration prior to sendingsome soldiers off to Iraq. What a great experience for anyone topartake in. A memory of a lifetime.

Law & Legal & Attorney: ASVAB Study Technique: Word Hard, Play Harder

ASVAB Study Technique: Word Hard, Play Harder

If you are a potential military recruit preparing to take your Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB exam, then you will have to balance your schedule in a way that allows you to study efficiently but also keeps you physically and mentally sane and ready for what's ahead. In this

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Trace the Owner of a German Army Dog Tag

How to Trace the Owner of a German Army Dog Tag

Military soldiers are required to wear dog tags. Dog tags are worn in pairs on a ball chain around the neck. They are used for identification purposes in the event a soldier is killed. German dog tags differ from American versions in that they only contain two numeric codes. These codes specify the

Law & Legal & Attorney: Practical Ways You Can Support Our Troops

Practical Ways You Can Support Our Troops

If you're looking for a practical way to support our military troops, there are two basic ways that you can do that. The first is to participate in one of the many care package organizations that are devoted to the troops who are in Iraq right now. The second way is to make sure that our return