Law & Legal & Attorney: The New Addition to the Soldier's Uniform

The New Addition to the Soldier's Uniform

Many U.S soldiers serving in Iraq are using uniforms equipped with the latest computer system. But the thing that is lacking in these computerised uniforms is how to use them in dangerous situations as the soldiers have weapons in their hands and cannot operate these systems with their hands full.

Law & Legal & Attorney: German Memories - Germanic Victory Over Roman Forces

German Memories - Germanic Victory Over Roman Forces

Arminius (Hermann) was a 28-year old Germanic aristocrat from the Cheruscans tribe. As a leader of Germanic auxiliary forces he had been serving Rome for a long time, and had even obtained Roman citizenship and the title of a Roman knight. Arminius had learned enough of the Roman art of warfare in o

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Camera in Action at War

The Camera in Action at War

As a painter, I haven't taken much serious interest in photography. Because I'd been sketching from the time I could handle a pencil or crayon.

Law & Legal & Attorney: About Morphine Use During the Civil War

About Morphine Use During the Civil War

Morphine, along with opium and laudanum, was widely used in the Civil War to relieve soldiers after surgical procedures were performed in field hospitals. Despite the side effects of using morphine, it is still a commonly used analgesic and is held up as a comparison for all other acute pain relieve

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is Appropriate Clothing to Wear to a Funeral?

What Is Appropriate Clothing to Wear to a Funeral?

When deciding what to wear to a funeral, think along the lines of what you would wear to a professional board meeting. Men have much fewer options than women, however the same basic principles of tone apply for both sexes as well as for children. Funerals are times of mourning, and dress should repr

Law & Legal & Attorney: Marine Corps Uniform History

Marine Corps Uniform History

The "dress blues" uniform of the United States Marine Corp is composed of three distinct features: the USMC insignia featured on the buttons, the "blood stripe" on the pants legs, and the distinctive high collar.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Big Is The Chinese Liberation Army Navy?

How Big Is The Chinese Liberation Army Navy?

How is the Chinese Navy changing? It is building nuclear powered carriers, new weapons and changing its inward, coastal defence stance to that of a global superpower with a blue-water navy, capable of projecting its power worldwide. How big is it - tonnage, ships, personnel, bases, disposition? How

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Replace a Forced Air Heater Thermal Coupler

How to Replace a Forced Air Heater Thermal Coupler

A forced air heater, as the name implies, uses a blower motor to direct warm air into a room. If the forced air heater uses a thermal coupler, it means the appliance is gas powered. A thermal coupler is a heat switch that opens the gas valve when the pilot light adjusts to the ignition position. Whe

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Marine Corps

The History of Marine Corps

They are called "Leathernecks" or "Devil Dogs," but whatever nickname they go by, members of the United States Marine Corps belong to one of the most respected branches of the American military. They are a service within the Department of the Navy, and, like the Navy, they answer to the Secretary of

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Rights Protect a Veteran From Losing Benefits?

What Rights Protect a Veteran From Losing Benefits?

Benefits for veterans were introduced around the time of the American War of Independence.soldier patrol image by FotoWorx from Fotolia.comIn 1776, the U.S. government encouraged individuals to enlist in the army by providing pensions to those who were disabled. The first few medical...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Saddam Hussein's Palace in Babylon

Saddam Hussein's Palace in Babylon

Beginning in 1983, Saddam Hussein began to rebuild the city of Babylon, placing his name on each of the bricks used in construction. Following the Gulf War, he built his palace near the ancient city overlooking the Tigris River. He entitled it Saddam Hill.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Who Are The South Africa Special Forces?

Who Are The South Africa Special Forces?

The South Africa Special Forces are known as the Recces and are the main special forces branch of the defense force for South Africa. The South African Special Forces Brigade, as they are also known, were created on 1st October 1972 as a reconnaissance commando team.

Law & Legal & Attorney: 1940s Military Bases in Virginia

1940s Military Bases in Virginia

Virginia has a history rich in military achievement that began with the American Revolution and continues today. During the 1940s, military bases in Virginia played a vital role in the training and deploying of soldiers for the fighting in both Europe and the Pacific. The Army, Navy, Air Force (at

Law & Legal & Attorney: Information on the Military Draft

Information on the Military Draft

Although the United States has not had a military draft since 1973, federal law maintains the Selective Service System, with which young men must register. This allows the nation to maintain records of possible draftees in case a draft is needed. Implementing a military draft in times of national em

Law & Legal & Attorney: Courage and Valor: Military Honors

Courage and Valor: Military Honors

When soldiers in the military complete an important task or accomplish a great feat they are granted certain awards and honors. For example, a soldier who completes a certain hard-to-finish training or boot camp can receive a 'challenge coin' as a commemoration for completion.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Reasons Why Spain Joined the European Union

Reasons Why Spain Joined the European Union

Spain joined the European Economic Community, as it was then known, in 1986 at the same time as neighbor Portugal. Spain has been a driving force in the European community ever since. The country was a leading proponent of the single currency, the Euro, when it was introduced in 1992. It was at that

Law & Legal & Attorney: Who Are The Estonia Special Forces?

Who Are The Estonia Special Forces?

The Estonia Special Forces are also known as the Estonian Defense Force. They are special operation units that make up the unified forces under the Army, Navy, Air Force and Defense League in the country. They are members of the Alliance Missions and work with NATO and the European Union.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Instructions for How to Fold a Military Honor Guard Flag

Instructions for How to Fold a Military Honor Guard Flag

Among its many duties, the military honor guard is responsible for holding American flags during events like parades, presidential appearances, and military funerals. After the appearance these flags are folded and presented to grieving widows o family at funerals, or kept for use at the next event.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Innovations of The Civil War

Innovations of The Civil War

While the American civil war was the bloodiest war that America has ever fought in, many people don't realize some of the innovations that came out of it. There are some of very big inventions and realizations that came out of the civil war.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Schools in the Medieval Times

Schools in the Medieval Times

During medieval times, only boys attended schools, unless a girl's parents were extremely rich and insisted upon school for her. Elementary school curriculum consisted of classes in logic, Latin, grammar, rhetoric, astronomy, mathematics and philosophy. The only natural science learned during the Da