Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Who Are The Estonia Special Forces?

The Estonia Special Forces are also known as the Estonian Defense Force.
They are special operation units that make up the unified forces under the Army, Navy, Air Force and Defense League in the country.
They are members of the Alliance Missions and work with NATO and the European Union.
Their History The history of the Estonian Defense Forces dates back to WWI.
During WWII, the Estonian Armed forces were disarmed by the Russians by the Red Army.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Estonia was formed.
The current Estonia Defense Forces have been in operation since 1991 and consist of several branches of the armed forces of the country, including several army branches.
How To Become A Member Of The Estonian Special Forces In Estonia, entrance into the military is mandatory for all men for 8 to 11 months in which they are taught basic defense skills.
Those who stay in the forces can become active in one of the armed forces branches, or in the volunteer civilian defense force.
Estonian Special Forces Training The training that special forces operatives receive depends upon the branch of service in which they serve.
As military service in Estonia is compulsory for all males for a period of less than a year, those who stay active in the military can be trained for further defense.
The primary goal of the Estonian Special Forces is to preserve the independence of the nation, although they work actively with other countries, including the United States.
There are four headquarters for the defense districts located in Tallinn, Tapa, Luunja and Parnu.
What Are They Best At? The Estonian Special Forces are best at preparedness and always being ready to defend their nation at any time of crisis.
All branches of the service are in a constant defense mode to defend their country and work cooperatively with the other military branches as well as the volunteer civilian defense league.
Weapons Of The Estonian Special Forces Mortars, armored cars, self propelled artillery and anti-aircraft missile launchers are part of the weapons used in the Estonian Special Forces.
They also use recoilless rifles and anti-tank missile launchers, although there are not great numbers of these weapons.
They have fighter aircraft, helicopters and transport aircraft as well.
Known Missions The primary objective of Estonia Special Forces is the defense of their own country.
They have few weapons, although with the compulsory military service, they are focused on self defense.
They have not had any known missions since the inception of the armed forces in 1991, although they work in cooperation with NATO to defend their territorial waters against attack.
The civilian defense also works in putting out wild fires, maintaining order in the country and insuring the independence of the nation of Estonia.
Units The special forces units of the Army are called the Maavagi and are the main arm of the Estonian Special Defense forces.
They are designed to carry out military tasks as well as for the support of civil structures.
The Merevagi is the naval operations unit of the Estonian Special Forces.
The Ohuvagi is the special forces unit for the Air Force.
The Defense League is comprised of volunteers and are called the Kaitseliit.
Are They Professional Soldiers? Since military service is compulsory in Estonia, all males of a certain age are considered professional soldiers.
All males are taught basic defense.
Those who are in the Army, Navy and Air Force continue with their military training.
The Defense League, however, is a civilian branch and is made up of civilian volunteers who have received minimal compulsory military training.
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