Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Instructions for How to Fold a Military Honor Guard Flag

    • 1). Hold the flag near your waist with another person holding the other end. Each person should be on the short side of the flag. The flag is now at waist height, held by two people, and running parallel to the ground

    • 2). Fold the flag in half lengthwise. The long side of the stripes section should be brought up to the long side of the stars section. Both the top and bottom edges should be held securely.

    • 3). Fold the flag in half again. Bring the long side of the bottom up to the long side of the top again. Ensure that the stars section is on the outside. If folded incorrectly, the stripes will be shown on the outside. The flag should now be folded into a long, thin piece.

    • 4). Fold the flag over itself to form a triangle by "walking" the shorter side toward the long side of the flag. Do this beginning on the striped end, not the stars end.

    • 5). Fold in the triangle by turning the pointed end inwards. Fold the triangle down to meet the bottom long side.

    • 6). Continue folding the triangle until the entire flag is folded into one triangle. Only the stars show when the flag is facing up on the final fold.

    • 7). Tuck the excess tightly into the open end of the triangle.

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