Law & Legal & Attorney: History of Army Ranks

History of Army Ranks

Since its inception under the watch of General George Washington and the Continental Congress, what would become the U.S. Army has relied on a strict pecking order to ensure all personnel know their place. Rank developed throughout the history of the armed services as the system of leaders and follo

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Silent Holocaust

The Silent Holocaust

A silent holocaust has occurred in the United States to US citizens.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is the Origin of the Windmill?

What Is the Origin of the Windmill?

When most people think of windmills, they think of the familiar white tower spinning over a field of tulips in Holland. But windmills have been found in many parts of the world, and have functioned as a crucial source of power from Afghanistan to New England.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Flappers in the 1920s

Flappers in the 1920s

Among the many iconic images of the 1920s is the "flapper" --- a free-spirited, athletic and independent woman proudly rejecting the way society told her to behave. Flappers were part of one of the first true "generations" in American society, a rising tide of young people engaged in a culture war w

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Audition for the Army Band

How to Audition for the Army Band

If you're a talented musician and you qualify for U.S. Army enlistment, you can make a living doing what you love by becoming part of the Army Band Program. The program consists of 34 bands and includes a variety of instruments, such as horn, saxophone, flute, percussion and piano. Army bands play f

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is the Function of the Department of Defense?

What Is the Function of the Department of Defense?

The United States Department of Defense is charged with creating and implementing nearly all matters of national security. The DoD presides over the United States military, with its three main branches: the Departments of the Army, Navy and Air Force.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Future Military Leaders and Military Families Considered

Future Military Leaders and Military Families Considered

Not everyone is cut out to serve in our armed forces, but luckily we have a long tradition of military service in our nation. Yes, the spirit lives deep in our hearts and there are those amongst us who'd sacrifice everything to protect all we are and all we have built here. Those of us who real

Law & Legal & Attorney: Thank You Honored Veterans

Thank You Honored Veterans

I want to say a most sincere and profound Thank You to each and every one of our American veterans. These incredible men and women put each and every one of us before themselves. They do it because they believe in every cell of their being that it is the right thing to do.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Problems With Campus Crusade

Problems With Campus Crusade

Campus Crusade for Christ has been criticized for ignorance of other cultures.christian church image by Olga Khoroshunova from Fotolia.comCampus Crusade for Christ is a nationwide student organization that seeks to spread the gospel to college students in the U.S. and foreign countries....

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find Service Records

How to Find Service Records

When someone enlists in a branch of the U.S. military, a record of their service is begun that is kept in the national archives. Although service records are logged in the national archives, they are not a matter of public record. But by following the procedure necessary, you can obtain a service re

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Are There Homeless Veterans In America?

Why Are There Homeless Veterans In America?

United States homeless veterans include a significant growing number from the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and severe sleep deprivation. Often those who have never suffered from the inability to sleep are unaware of how great of a toll such a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Emotional Effects of War on Soldiers - It Can Be a Real Battle

Emotional Effects of War on Soldiers - It Can Be a Real Battle

Although being in a war is a very difficult experience for anyone to go through, there is one aspect of war which people who were not involved often do not understand.For many, the emotional effects of war on soldiers do not end when they come home.In fact, for many, returning home is only the begin

Law & Legal & Attorney: Our Military, Our Freedom

Our Military, Our Freedom

History books are full of images and stories of United States Military men. But in some people's eyes, fighting for our country's freedom no longer proves to be the heroic job it once was.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Chain of Command List for the Navy

Chain of Command List for the Navy

A complex chain of command makes up the United States navy granite image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.comThe U.S. Navy has a long and extensive history within the waters around the U.S. and the rest of the world. It was founded October 13, 1775, and it was established officially as...

Law & Legal & Attorney: GEN III, PCU, and NBS7: Tactical Clothing for Cold Weather

GEN III, PCU, and NBS7: Tactical Clothing for Cold Weather

Tactical clothing systems GEN III, PCU, and NBS7 all offer protection for soldiers in a large range of climates, including extreme cold conditions. Here are the general facts for each type of cold weather clothing system.