Law & Legal & Attorney: About Arms Control

About Arms Control

Building an army and developing state of the art weaponry is something that countries must do to protect themselves. However, if each neighboring country has a strong army and sophisticated arsenal, then a war amongst them would prove catastrophic for everyone involved. Therein lays the need for arm

Law & Legal & Attorney: German Panzer Tanks - The Preferred Weapon of the Blitzkrieg

German Panzer Tanks - The Preferred Weapon of the Blitzkrieg

Panzerkampfwagen IV is a medium sized war tank that was developed in late 1930's during Second World War in Nazi Germany. At the time of its design, Panzer IV was not intended to be engaged as an enemy armor as this was supposed to be a support tank to be used against enemy anti tank guns and f

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is a Code Red in the Marine Corps?

What Is a Code Red in the Marine Corps?

In the 1992 movie "A Few Good Men, " young Navy lawyer Tom Cruise confronts crusty Marine Col. Jack Nicholson, who is a key witness in the court martial of two enlisted men charged with murder. Cruise, his face red, demands to know: "Did you order the Code Red?" Nicholson's response, the movie's d&#

Law & Legal & Attorney: Navy Vs. Marine Aviation

Navy Vs. Marine Aviation

This article tells you what the Navy and the Marines Corps look for when they choose a pilot.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Interview With a Multi-Service Veteran

Interview With a Multi-Service Veteran

In order to get an in depth look into what it is really like to serve the great country of the United States, I interviewed retired Lieutenant Commander Rod Lubasky. Lieutenant Commander Rod Lubasky is a twenty three year military veteran, serving nine years in the United States Army from 1978-1987

Law & Legal & Attorney: All You Need to Know About the Super Falcon

All You Need to Know About the Super Falcon

The inside of the Super Falcon -- its tight, but comfortable enough. Seating is recumbent, and my legs straddle a carbon-dioxide scrubber that, along with an oxygen control at my right shoulder, keeps air in the pressurized hull breathable. Each of the two inline piloting positions has a full set of

Law & Legal & Attorney: Pendants to Wear in Memory of Soldiers

Pendants to Wear in Memory of Soldiers

If a soldier you love passed on, a pendant in her memory can be a gentle reminder of your loved one through the grieving process. Whether you choose to keep a lock of hair, ashes, a photo or a personal date or quote near to your heart, you can personalize your pendant in any way you find suitable.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Dexedrine

The History of Dexedrine

Like cocaine and heroin, amphetamines were sold in mass quantities during the first half of the twentieth century. Once such compound, Dexedrine, rose to prominence as a diet pill during the 1950s and remains legal, though strictly regulated, to this day. It is, however, frequently cited as an analo

Law & Legal & Attorney: Reasons for Opening Adoption Records

Reasons for Opening Adoption Records

The reasons adult adoptees and others within the adoption community advocate open adoption records are varied, but there are also universal motives that apply to all.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Steel Vs. Aluminum Tanks

Steel Vs. Aluminum Tanks

Most scuba diving tanks owned and rented globally are aluminum, making them common in the scuba diving industry. Though steel tanks in the 21st century become increasingly rarer in use and ownership, steel allows for design offering more air in the same size tank as aluminum. Steel is harder than al

Law & Legal & Attorney: US Weapons Used in the Iraq War by Ground Troops

US Weapons Used in the Iraq War by Ground Troops

The invasion of Iraq in 2003 by the allied coalition was the start of the Second Iraq War, otherwise known as Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was carried out by troops from the Unites States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland. The war lasted from March 19 until April 9, 2003, and 36 countries hav

Law & Legal & Attorney: New C4ISR Capabilities

New C4ISR Capabilities

We are entering a new era where the C4ISR is developing even stronger capabilities than in the past. This is military technology that has existed for a long time, but the difference is that recently there have been major improvements. The military has been increasing its funding in this area.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Concept of an Air Force As a Separate Branch of a Nation's Military

The Concept of an Air Force As a Separate Branch of a Nation's Military

If you know anything about the history of aviation, you probably realize that the Air Force used to be called the Army Air Corp, and it was not its own separate branch of service. Today of course we have the United States Air Force, and it is huge with bases around the world. So, where did this conc

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Become an Honor Grad at USMC Boot Camp

How to Become an Honor Grad at USMC Boot Camp

Graduating with honors from the U.S. Marine Corps requires you to begin your training long before you get to boot camp. Being prepared for the intense training will give you the leg up on your fellow trainees. To be considered for a USMC honors position, candidates must display determination, ingenu

Law & Legal & Attorney: Types of Ration Tickets Used in China

Types of Ration Tickets Used in China

Mao Zedong became China's ruler in 1949Chine -Lijiang - Mao Ze Dong - statue image by Xavier BOUQUIN from Fotolia.comChina was ruled by a Nationalist party for the first half of the 20th century until the end of World War II when the Chinese Civil War began. From 1946-49 the war raged...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Medieval Armor Projects

Medieval Armor Projects

Armor protected medieval warriors and also was a sign of status. Whereas the common soldier would have little protection, a privileged European knight, for instance, would be covered from head to toe with armor. The use of armor in the Middle Ages and its cultural aspects should allow for several in

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are Tanker Boots?

What Are Tanker Boots?

Tanker boots are U.S. military-issued leather combat boots that are tightened onto a soldier's feet by leather straps instead of laces.

Law & Legal & Attorney: BCT Packing List - 4 Items You Must Bring to Basic Training

BCT Packing List - 4 Items You Must Bring to Basic Training

Army Basic Training is 9 weeks long and you should already know that you will be away from home for an extended amount of time to train. It is important that you follow the packing list from your recruiter. Below is a list of things you can bring to basic training.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Basic Allowance for Military

Basic Allowance for Military

BAH is an abbreviation for Basic Allowance for Housing. This is a United States based stipend recommended by geographic duty location, dependency type as well as pay grade. BAH rates basically offers uniformed service members reasonable accommodation reimbursement based on accommodation expenses in

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to decide what to wear to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball

How to decide what to wear to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball

The Marine Corps Birthday Ball is right around the corner and it is important to make sure you have an appropriate outfit for this occasion. As a guest it is hard to know the exact protocol for the event. By following these tips you will look great and follow etiquette:

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