Law & Legal & Attorney: Rank Has Its Privileges

Rank Has Its Privileges

There was a time when the person who started the war went to war taking the aristocrats along.The King and his cronies stood in front of the army and were in the thick of battle fighting alongside their men and killed or captured and ransomed.Kings stopped going to war when they gave up their right

Law & Legal & Attorney: Laws Governing Veterans Returning to Civilian Jobs

Laws Governing Veterans Returning to Civilian Jobs

USERRA protects veterans' employment rights.tramitaci?3n image by Recaredo Garc?-a Gaspar from Fotolia.comOne concern that non-career military veterans, or reservists, have about deployment is whether their civilian jobs will remain open for them. In response to these concerns, the...

Law & Legal & Attorney: States Rights During the Civil War

States Rights During the Civil War

One of the most enduring political quarrels that has plagued the United States since its inception is the argument over states' rights. The Founding Fathers took measures in an attempt to resolve the issue, but the struggle between those advocating for states' rights and those arguing for federal au

Law & Legal & Attorney: How do I Join the Army Standby Reserve?

How do I Join the Army Standby Reserve?

Sometimes soldiers who are in the active Army or the Reserve want to continue their service but are unable to attend regular drill. An option available to them is called the Standby Reserve (SR). The (SR) offers a greater level of flexibility than being in the Active or Individual Reserve. Soldie

Law & Legal & Attorney: Metaphysical Properties of Aquamarine

Metaphysical Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a light blue or a light blue-green transparent gemstone. It is a member of the beryl stone family. The stone comes from various countries, including Brazil, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nigeria and the United States. Diane Morgan, author of "Gemlore: Ancient Secrets and Modern

Law & Legal & Attorney: About the Formation of the People's Republic of China

About the Formation of the People's Republic of China

The formation of the People's Republic of China started in 1949 and continues until this day. It is one of the fastest changing societies in the world. Any discussion of the formation of the PRC is a discussion about its founder, leader and icon, Mao Zedong. Mao transformed the world's largest socie

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Tobyhanna Army Depot

The History of Tobyhanna Army Depot

The Tobyhanna Army Depot is a center for the Department of Defense and is currently being utilized for the integration, upgrade, and repair of command, control, communication, computer, and intelligence for every branch of the U.S military. This depot was established in February of the year 1953 in

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Make Fort Armor

How to Make Fort Armor

When assembling a medieval fort-posted soldier's costume for Halloween, a theatrical play or a costume party, it can be challenging to locate a set of fort-plated armor from a standard costume shop. One solution is to make fort armor yourself using a few basic materials found around your house or pu

Law & Legal & Attorney: Three Reasons Why the Americans Won the Revolutionary War

Three Reasons Why the Americans Won the Revolutionary War

A number of factors converged to secure victory for the rebel colonists in the Revolutionary War. The Americans deviated from the methods by which war had previously been fought and were able to use their knowledge of local terrain to their advantage. Great Britain's most ardent European adversary p

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Send a Cake to Afghanistan

How to Send a Cake to Afghanistan

The reality of military service means that sometimes the ones we love---spouses, siblings, children---must be far away during even the most important times of our lives. Soldiers who serve abroad miss holidays, birthdays and other important events. They cannot celebrate with their families, and thei

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Causes of Stereotypes?

What Are the Causes of Stereotypes?

A stereotype is defined as a generalization made about all members of a distinct group. The generalization is applied to each member without discovering the potential differences that may exist. A stereotype example is the assumption that individuals who wear glasses are smarter than those who don't

Law & Legal & Attorney: Home Front USA - Live! Think! Act! The American Way

Home Front USA - Live! Think! Act! The American Way

In January 1942, the War Production Board is established to assist in the changing over of factories to war production. The military's tremendous need for manpower and war material pulls the US from her economic doldrums. The unemployment lingering from the Great Depression is instantly erased.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of the Compass Rose

The History of the Compass Rose

A "compass rose" is the emblem on a map that indicates the direction of north, south, east and west. It gets its name from its resemblance to the petals of a rose.

Law & Legal & Attorney: American Army Training

American Army Training

According to the website Today's Military, the U.S. Army is the oldest of the five branches of the U.S. armed forces. Members of the U.S. Army undergo a 10-week basic training course to prepare for life as soldiers.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Aircraft Carriers

The History of Aircraft Carriers

The introduction of the aircraft carrier forever changed the way naval forces make war, for it allows projection of a "threat envelope" that includes not just the surface of the sea, but the air above it as well, and extends the reach of the fleet for hundreds of miles. Surprisingly, however, the U.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Teresa Richard Deserves to Fly the American Flag

Teresa Richard Deserves to Fly the American Flag

Does a Condo Association have the right to stop a military mother from flying the American flag?The story of Teresa Richard versus her local Condo Association has been on the news several times.I applaud Richard and hope Americans all across this country will do the same.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Alaska Weather Facts

Alaska Weather Facts

Alaska is a very large state, spanning more than 550,000 square miles, bigger than most of the world's countries and about one-fifth the size of the U.S. mainland. Its size and the influence of its geography, including mountain ranges and coastline, give different regions of the state a wide range o

Law & Legal & Attorney: Sun Tzu and the Art of War - An Intro

Sun Tzu and the Art of War - An Intro

Sun Tzu lived nearly 2500 years back, yet his theory of war is as potent today as it was during the earlier age. These points to the fact that the principles of war are universal and stand the test of time. In addition warfare is an art that needs to be studied.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Order of the Military Ranks?

What Are the Order of the Military Ranks?

The military uses ranks to establish levels of authority and responsibility among its airmen, sailors, soldiers and Marines. Ranks are divided into three general categories of enlisted, warrant officer and officer. Ranks correspond roughly to time in service, though performance is an equally signifi