Law & Legal & Attorney Military

The History of Tobyhanna Army Depot

The Tobyhanna Army Depot is a center for the Department of Defense and is currently being utilized for the integration, upgrade, and repair of command, control, communication, computer, and intelligence for every branch of the U.
S military.
This depot was established in February of the year 1953 in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania for the sole purpose of specializing in electronica systems.
This facility is the largest employer in the entire northern region of Pennsylvania.
This is also the site for a Veteran's day speech given by President George W.
Bush where he commended the depot.
In the very early 1900's, the city of Tobyhanna was originally the site for an ice collection and storage facility.
Around 1912, a man by the name of Major Charles P.
Summerall persuaded congress to purchase 18,000 acres and eventually up to 26,000 acres of the surrounding area.
This land was purchased for use as an ambulance and tank corps training center and was so until 1918.
After that, the depot became an artillery training facility until around 1931 and then the next ten years civilian conservation corps made the Tobyhanna depot their home.
A plan that was developed around World War II that called for the area to be used as an anti-artillery aircraft training site, but was disregarded because of the smaller size of the area in contrast to the long range weapons that needed to be tested.
With the threat of a Japanese invasion looming a hospital was constructed on this site for expected casualties and at the same time the site was used as a base for all black segregated military ambulance corps.
By the end of World War II, the Tobyhanna army based was transformed into a POW camp for captured German soldiers.
A few years after the war ended, the base was then used by U.
S Army Corps of Engineers.
A major change was introduced to the area in 1951, including giving a majority of the land back to the state of Pennsylvania, which converted it to Gameland 127, Tobyhanna State Park, and Gouldsboro State Park.
This lasted less than a year when the Army Signal Corps reacquired the land and thought of it as the perfect location for what is now known as The Tobyhanna Army Depot due to its close proximity to East Coast shipping while still staying a safe distance from any Nuclear blast that may have affected New York City.
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