Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Metal Storm Rapid Fire Weapons - Why, Carbon Nano-Tube Storm Would Work Better

A nation that fails to protect itself does so at the expense of its people and longevity of its civilization.
Basically, that is in essence one of Karl von Clausewitz's warning to future politicians and leaders.
It's hard to argue with such logic, and perhaps that's why von Clausewitz has been considered one of the great military philosophers.
Recently, I noted a very interesting documentary on the Military Channel which talked about Future Weapons of War, and one of the most interesting new weapons was a gun which could fire 1 million rounds per minute.
That's right, 1 million, that is not a typo, or 16,000 rounds a second.
It obviously doesn't make the sound of a normal gun, but it is extremely powerful and lethal.
They call this machine; "Metal Storm" - which was actually named by the Iraqi forces that feared this weapon.
They said it was like metal raining from the sky, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.
Now then, that is an intriguing weapon to help the United States and allied forces prevent tyranny, terrorism, and ruthless evil dictators from disturbing world peace.
However, why would we use metal, we can use carbon nanotube projectiles which are stronger than steel, thus can penetrate the enemy's armor easier, and because they are lighter weight they could travel further.
It seems to me we need to make carbon nanotube projectiles or bullets to be used in these new modern-day weapons.
In the event that the Metal Storm weapon was put into a fighter aircraft, a UAV, a helicopter, or a stealth attack aircraft using carbon nanotubes would reduce the weight, therefore the aerial assets could take on 40 or 50 times the number of bullets or projectiles.
This means that an A-10 aircraft could be fitted with an extra pod to hold all the bullets, and it would never have to go back to refill, indeed the aircraft would run out of fuel before they ran of bullets.
This means they would have more firepower, and become a much more lethal assets in the modern battlespace against the enemy.
There are far too many reasons not to switch from metal projectiles with the Metal Storm Rapid Firing System to carbon based composite bullets and projectiles.
It seems that the defense research labs should be working on this right now, and perhaps we can use this against pirates, terrorists, and anyone else who would challenge or attack the United States of America our allies, or our assets and interests around the world.
Indeed I hope you will please consider this, and if you have any ideas on how to get this done, please shoot me an e-mail at your earliest possible convenience.
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