Law & Legal & Attorney Military

What Rights Protect a Veteran From Losing Benefits?


    • The U.S. government has a number of benefits in place for veterans, provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or a number of other agencies. The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) is an organization that was set up in 1980 to ensure the government provides adequate assistance to those returning from places of conflict. Lawsuits brought forward by the NVLSP have forced the government to pay millions of dollars to disabled veterans and their families. Under Federal law, a veteran is entitled to receive adequate benefits and these are not transferable, such as in the case of a husband paying alimony to his ex-wife, stated in U.S. Code, Title 38, section 5301.


    • The Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration Program has been designed to provide housing and assist those who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless, in particular those who have returned from the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. Assistance is given in the form of grants that are to be used for short-term housing, up to 18 months of rent, rent and utility bill arrears, and childcare.


    • The G.I. Bill was initially created in 1944 by Franklin Roosevelt. Nowadays there are two main categories: the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill, which applies to those who have completed a minimum of 90 days service after September 11th, 2001, and the Montgomery Bill, open to all those who have enlisted in the armed forces. The latter requires the individual to pay $100 per month for 12 months, after which point he becomes entitled to receive education after completing his service. The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill covers tuition fees and housing costs for those who are studying away from home. To be eligible for this benefit, veterans must have received an honorable discharge.


    • The Obama administration has introduced the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform, to ensure veterans receive prompt and adequate healthcare. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers a comprehensive medical package that includes access to highly trained physicians, assistance with prescriptions, disability compensation, life insurance and traumatic injury insurance.

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