If you are a potential military recruit preparing to take your Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB exam, then you will have to balance your schedule in a way that allows you to study efficiently but also keeps you physically and mentally sane and ready for what's ahead.
In this article I will show you how you can do both as you prepare for your ASVAB and basic training There was a motto that we frequently used in the military and that was, "Work hard, play harder.
" This can be understood to mean that if you work really hard, for example standing a full day of alert guard duty, when you are done, you can't simply call it a day.
But you have to play harder.
You have to work out, do some physically exerting activity.
This is to keep a healthy balance between working hard and physical activity.
The same applies when you are preparing for your ASVAB exam.
If you are the motivated type, you may likely think that you can simply sit down and just do nothing but study, study, study.
And while this sounds like a good motto, this is actually counterproductive.
After you sit down and study for a certain amount of time, your brain will reach that limit where you need to take a break.
If you don't take that break, you don't give your mind a chance to relax and may burn out.
You don't give your mind a chance to recharge.
You will actually be hurting yourself and therefore slow down your progress or your ability to learn new information.
This is where you apply the concept of work hard and play harder.
Perhaps you are comfortable sitting down to study for an hour, an hour and a half, maybe even two hours.
But it is imperative that you give yourself a break.
So after you have completed the section or the topic that you intended to study when you sat down, take a break.
This doesn't have to be anything crazy.
Perhaps go and have lunch.
Perhaps go watch a short episode on TV or maybe even a funny YouTube video.
Then go back to studying.
This short break gives you a chance to recharge your mind, to recharge your thinking and continue studying.
If you are studying for multiple hours a day, then you have to take a bigger break.
So study for a bit.
Take a short break.
Study a little more.
Take a short break.
Then study a little more.
But now you really need to give yourself a proper break.
This means you may need a physically exerting workout.
In this article I will show you how you can do both as you prepare for your ASVAB and basic training There was a motto that we frequently used in the military and that was, "Work hard, play harder.
" This can be understood to mean that if you work really hard, for example standing a full day of alert guard duty, when you are done, you can't simply call it a day.
But you have to play harder.
You have to work out, do some physically exerting activity.
This is to keep a healthy balance between working hard and physical activity.
The same applies when you are preparing for your ASVAB exam.
If you are the motivated type, you may likely think that you can simply sit down and just do nothing but study, study, study.
And while this sounds like a good motto, this is actually counterproductive.
After you sit down and study for a certain amount of time, your brain will reach that limit where you need to take a break.
If you don't take that break, you don't give your mind a chance to relax and may burn out.
You don't give your mind a chance to recharge.
You will actually be hurting yourself and therefore slow down your progress or your ability to learn new information.
This is where you apply the concept of work hard and play harder.
Perhaps you are comfortable sitting down to study for an hour, an hour and a half, maybe even two hours.
But it is imperative that you give yourself a break.
So after you have completed the section or the topic that you intended to study when you sat down, take a break.
This doesn't have to be anything crazy.
Perhaps go and have lunch.
Perhaps go watch a short episode on TV or maybe even a funny YouTube video.
Then go back to studying.
This short break gives you a chance to recharge your mind, to recharge your thinking and continue studying.
If you are studying for multiple hours a day, then you have to take a bigger break.
So study for a bit.
Take a short break.
Study a little more.
Take a short break.
Then study a little more.
But now you really need to give yourself a proper break.
This means you may need a physically exerting workout.